YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 18, 2020

YOP WEEK 16 & DAY 18


Hello again.  Another week has passed and it was not my usual week.  Hubby and I took off on Monday for a little holiday in Las Vegas.  We spent time with his mom as well as some of his siblings and also some very special friends.  It was a lovely little get away and has lifted both of our spirits tremendously.  Since we were on the move so much, I did not have a lot of time to knit.  Yet, I do have a finish to show.

Sock #1 was completed during our little holiday.  It is just a plain vanilla sock with an eye of partridge heel.

After we returned home on Friday, I started the second sock.  The cuff is is almost completed.  This yarn is a bit splitty, so I do need to keep an eye on it to make sure I am grabbing all strands when working with it.  Otherwise, I really like this yarn.  It is super soft and very squishy.  The fiber content is: 80% Superwash Fine Highland Wool/ 20% Polymide.  Before you think the highland wool is from Scotland, I will let you know it is actually from Peru.  It is not an expensive yarn either.  Here is the link to look at it.  It is on Close out, so if interested in obtaining any, now is the time.

And now...............for the next segment of my post for today.

My declutter project is still going strong.  Today I have 18 items that have left the building.

I won't even tell you what years these magazines were from.  I will tell you, none of these are  from the last 5 years.  Amazing what you find when going through book shelves.

Books that have been read and will not be re-read are items that needed to leave.  I am normally pretty good about recycling my books but, somehow these few never made their way out of the house.  Although, the Debbie Macomber book is her newest released paperback (2020) and I just finished it about a month ago.  

This coming week is going to be crazy.  Our son is once again traveling for business.  I have dog and teen duty.  The teen is back in school 4 days a week now so, I will be doing lots of running for the next 5 days.  I sat down with our son and his wife last night and we worked out the schedule for the next week.  Let's just say........................I won't be doing much stuff around my house next week.  But...................there will be plenty of time for me to work on hubby's second sock!  That means, I need to spend some time today decluttering more stuff.  I also need to make out menus that will be easy for hubby as there will be 2 days I won't be home until well past dinner time.  Good thing I completed all the laundry yesterday. 

Today, hubby and I are celebrating 45 years of marriage.  We met on a date, set up by my ex-sister in law.  Four months later we were married.  It has been a wild and crazy ride.  We have moved households 15 times and lived in 4 different states.  We have been blessed with 4 children, 8 grand children and 1 great grand child.  It has not always been sunshine and roses, but those difficult times are what has brought us all closer together and made us a stronger family unit.  And yes, we are still in love.  Even more so now than the day we married.

Until Next Time...............................Happy Crafting & Stay Well!!!!!!!!


  1. WOW!!! Congratulations on 45 years!!! Thanks so wonderful. I got married late so we only approaching 35 this year. Since he was a widower, it means I have grandkids the same age as our kids. Made for great family get togethers (although probably a little weird for my stepkids to have a stepmom having babies at the same time).

    You are such a good wife. Your leaving food for hubby reminds me of my hubby although reversed roles. My hubby is the chef so he always left me prepared meals to simply warm up whenever he was out of town. I could completely relate to the commercial that had "pork is in the pink containers, beef is in the blue".

    Very cute sock and I also like Eye of the Partridge heel.

  2. Happy Anniversary to your and your Mr! 45 years is quite a milestone. We were married 40 years this past August, so we're 5 years behind you!

    I'm with Maureen above - thinking that's awfully nice of you to make sure you've left your hubs with a dinner (or at least a plan) when you're busy yourself.

    So glad you had a nice vacation and that you both feel refreshed. Welcome back! :)

  3. Congratulations on your 45th anniversary. Sounds like your trip to Vegas was relaxing and just as well as next week sounds hectic, but I’m sure will be fun. As I’m behind on posts I’ll have a quick look through and see what I missed. The sock looks great.

  4. Happy Anniversary!!! You 2 are the happiest couple I know...so nice to see. Your sock looks great and your decluttering is really going strong! Thanks for the link to the yarn...lots of pretty color combos.

  5. I love hearing 'how we met' stories and congrats on your 45 years. We are just 2 years behind you! I love how the striping on those socks takes a slanted diversion on the leg. It looks so cool. I am glad the trip was successful, and yes, getting out and about certainly lifts ones' spirits. And you are a great grand mother!!! how awesome is that!

  6. Happy Anniversary!

    I am happy the trip went well! Even if you didn't get as much knitting in as you wanted, the sock still looks great!

  7. Congrats on 45 years! I used to think Eye of Partridge was something different until I had Googled it and found out it was the good, ol' slip st-knit heel.


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