YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, October 2, 2020



Day 2 of the challenge.  I did not have too much of a  issue with this one.  

These are two baskets I bought at Ikea thinking they would fit into my yarn cubbies.  They don't fit and I have been hanging onto them for several years.  Whoosh............off they go to Goodwill so someone else will be able to put them to use.

There are some of you out there already saying...............this seems like an easy challenge.  Sure it is for the first few days.  But wait until you need to find 20 or 30 items to cleanse from the house.  It does get a bit harder as time goes on.

Until next time.........................


  1. I'm sure these will easily find a home.

  2. I wish you lived next door as I could use those baskets. I've been thinking about getting some for my shelving unit. But it's just as well as this is about getting rid of stuff,,,,not getting more! LOL!

  3. I imagine how hard it feels as the month goes on depends on how much stuff one has that's worthy of getting rid of. When I did this last year, I was still finding stuff to get rid of. But I clearly have too much...

  4. Those are nice Marsha, too bad you can't use them! I'm sure this challenge is something I couldn't do right now...I'd love to though. This house is so much smaller than our last rental!


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