YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, October 15, 2020

DAY 15


Hey guys.  Another day of getting rid of things in my house that someone else can surely use.

Once again I have lots of cables to get rid of.  While going through the drawers that held cables we also found 3 tapes for a video camera.  I do have a video camera and have used it all of once in the 15 years I have owned it.  Hmmmm, maybe the camera should be given away too................but I digress.  These are the 15 items for today.

This is our last day in Las Vegas.  Our morning is full with a visit to hubby's mom and then going to pick up some flooring for her home's remodel.  There is also a trip to WalMart scheduled as well as going over some legal papers and then lunch with hubby's sister.  After that, I am hoping we can relax and just have a little fun in the casino.

Until next time..........................................................


  1. I am curious about Walmart. I've only been once to the one near the capital when I was in my late 20's. I'm sure it's changed a lot since then.

  2. It looks like this week's haul is brought to us by your hubby! Getting rid of all that stuff that just gets tangled and is hard to sift through must feel like a relief. Hey... Maybe I can take that idea forward. :)


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