YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, December 14, 2009

What a wonderful time of year

The last week was so wonderful. We got our grandaughter on Wednesday and had her until Saturday night. Her parents went to Florida for her daddy's Christmas Party. Hum, my parties are always right where I live! Anyway, She was a joy to have for those days but now I realize why I had children when I was YOUNG! Although I don't condsider 56 ancient it really seemed old while chasing and playing with a 4 year old.

She had a dance recital on Friday night and it was soooooo cute! Of course the entire recital lasted 2 hours and her group was the next to last dance! Poor dear was backstage for almost 3 hours. She was so tired when I went to get her that all she wanted to do was eat and go to sleep.

After she left on Saturday my hubby and I looked at our house and realized that we had done absolutely nothing to it for over a week!!!! EEEK, it was a total mess. I told him I had been trying to deep clean one room each week but seems like I had kind of slidden off that wagon. So on Sunday we finished our Christmas shopping and then we attacked the house. I actually found my kitchen and dining room! Then I went into our office/pool room. Now let me set the stage for this......

Our computer died about 3 months ago. We already had a new tower so we installed it. As I have said in my past posts the new computer kept dumping everything. So we had to take it back to where we got it. Well of course it would not do anything for them. Finally one of the guys that works with my hubby took a look at it and rearranged and pushed in all sorts of cards ands stuff ( I really don't understand all of the techno jargon I just push a button and hope things turn on). Well it works wonderfully now. SO we got it all set back up. Needless to say in the process we had to move all sorts of furniture to get it done and now it was time to put it all back in place. We got that done and then I looked at the computer area and realized that it had not been gone through in some time! So I attacked it. I was amazed at the stuff I found! I shredded 2 bags full of old bills. I filled one of those hugh 33 gallon bags with old computer discs that we have not used in YEARS! It was such a refreshing feeling when I was done.

Also this past week the battery on my car died! Luckily we had my son's truck but only until Saturday (when they came home) SO my lovely husband got my new battery all done on Saturday and I am so happy. I Love my little car and love to drive it. I don't care much for hubby's car and even less for my son's truck! But they got me to and from work for a week.

SO tonight we have a Christmas Party at our Priests' home, tomorrow I finish wrapping gifts, getting stuff in the mail that needs to go out and go and visit my mom and give her, her Christmas and Birthday presents. (her birthday is Christmas Day). Wednesday I start on the laundry and getting our clothes together for our trip to TX. Thurday I will finish up the laundry and start the packing. FRiday I will get off work early and go pick up my Grandaughter from school and have some last minute fun with her. Saturday we are off to TX to spend Christmas with our youngest Son and his family.

Hopefully I will get some crafting time while I am gone but if not it will still be there when I get home. At least I can knit while on the plane!

I hope all of you have a blessed Christmas and very wonderful New Year.

Friday, December 4, 2009

It is coming.................again

Gosh, I guess I should check out my blog more often. I didn't realize it had been so long since my last post. But then it seems I always say that. Anyway, I have been on facebook so much that I sometimes forget about my blog and all of you that rely on it to see what is going on with my life.

First and foremost...........our home computer is sick. Really sick. In the shop sick and it is brand new. Seems the memory in it was corrupt when we got it. So now it is in the computer hosiptal getting all better. I can not wait until it is back. I have a new Adobe program to install on it so I can start to download pictures again. (the sad thing is, the pictures on my old computer are locked up and I can not get them out of ther!) Then I can start putting pictures back on here again of all my crafty things that I have done.

In the yarn front...........still working on my mom's socks but did finish my DD socks. Have 2 prayer shawls in process. One is knitted and one is crocheted. I made a couple of hats for my Grandaughter for the chilly days we have ahead of us. I want to make a couple of scarves to match her hats too. I think that is all the projects I have going on in the yarn area.

Beading area.......I have made so many necklaces, earrings and bracelets! I can hardly keep track of all of them. I have used copper, brass, gold and silver and love all of them. I think my favorite is copper but it is hard to find and not too many people appreciate the color of it as it is hard to coordinate with clothing. My next favorite is the antique brass but that too is hard to find but much easier to match to clothing. I made three sets to sell at an auction last month and they did really well and pulled in a lot more $$ than what it cost me to make them. The proceeds went to a great cause. Our St Peregrine's Shrine. I have done a bit of beading for Christmas this year but can not tell you what it is as most of the people they are for read this.

So what else has been happening to us? Well, we went to Las Vegas in October for our 34th wedding anniversary and the 1st anniversary of my Father in Law's passing. We have been keeping busy with work and family. My mother ended up in the hospital with a blood clot in her leg. She was there for several days but is home now and on medications for the next few monther to make sure this doesn't happen again. We had Thanksgiving at our Son's house and had a wonderful time. I decorated my mom's house for Christmas and am still working on mine trying to get it ready for the Christmas season too. We are getting ready to go to Texas for Christmas. Our son in the navy is moving there the 18th of this month and they bought a house. So we are going to help them paint some of the rooms and do a bit of remodeling. This will be the first Christmas we had spent with them in 9 years! So we are looking forward to that.

My husband has turned in his resignation from his job at the Church. He is ready to stay home and get some honey do's done and truly enjoy retirement. This will be his third retirement and hopefully his last one! It will be nice as he will be able to pick up our grandaughter from school each day too and it will give them a little together time that they seem to cherish.

I hope that this year has been good for all of you. And I pray that all of you will have a wonderful 2010!

Merry Christmas and remember that Jesus is the reason for the season!