YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, June 25, 2023



Here it is.  The end of Year of Projects year 12.  It is also my 12th year to participate.  In all these years I have learned what the quote "the best laid plans" really means.  This is why I have started being very vague with my 'goals/plans' for the past few years. 

Before I show you what I accomplished this year, take a look at what got done this past week.

I finished the Mehujaa Shawl and even got it blocked, dried and ready to be worn.  The final row was 481 stitches in total.  I did not think I would ever finish binding off.  It took almost 45 minutes.  I am in love with the neutral color and look forward to wearing it when a light wrap is needed. It won't be outside here anytime soon.  Our temps are well over 105F (41C) and will be for the next 3-4 months.

Now, here is my list of what I had planned to make/complete this past year.

Sock Scraps Granny Stripe (fingering weight) - 7/8/20 Thrown away!!!!
Madonna & Child - 8/7/20
Happy Camper - 2/24/22

To The Point
    6/26/22 - 7/2/22
    8/9/22 - 8/10/22
    8/11/22 - 8/16/22
    8/18/22 - 8/25/22
    9/24/22 - 10/7/22
    1/25/23 - 1/31/23
    6/5/23 - 6/12/23

Rose City Roller
    6/26/22 - 7/25/22
    7/26/22 - 8/8/22
    8/25/22 - 9/10/22
    9/14/22 - 1/22/23
    1/22/23 - 2/11/23
    5/30/23 - 
Scatterby 3/22/23 - 

Nuuk 10/8/22 - 11/7/22 
Wee Sherlock 11/20/22 - 11/30/22 

Azel 11/8/22 - 1/3/23

MGKAL 9/2/22 - 9/29/22



Little Boy Blue Hat 12/1/22 - 12/2/22
Allagash Beanie 1/2/23 - 1/3/23
Giant Granny Square blanket to use up stash DK yarn - 9/9/21 - 1/17/23
RCR Fluffy Pink 2/11/23 - 2/13/23
RCR Fluffy Grey 2/13/23 - 2/17/23
Purl Soho Lap Blanket 2/17/23 - 3/22/23
Mehujaa Shawl 4/10/23 - 6/23/23
Baby Blanket 6/5/23 - 

I am a little sad that last year I started with 3 WIP's and this coming year I will have 5!  I don't think that was part of my plans lol.

What were some of my favorite items I completed this year?

The Nuuk sweater.  So comfy to wear and I love the change I made to the bottom.

A Gnome.  He still makes me smile. I need to make him some friends.

Giant Granny Square blanket.  It took forever to make this (2 years) because of our horrible hot summers.  Nothing like having a huge heavy blanket laying on your lap while it is 110 and above outside.  No amount of A/C and fans can keep a person cool enough to work on something like this. Small granny squares joined together to make blankets is a much better idea from now on.  All that being said, this blanket looks so nice on our guest bed.  I am glad I made it and did not give up.    

As you can see, there were two categories I planned on that did not see any action. No one needed dishcloths or scrubbies this year.  I still have quite a few made from last year that are waiting for a home.

I do feel like I completed quite a few items this year.  Twenty three in total! It was fun and I even branched out a bit.  The gnome was a totally new to me kind of knit and I loved making him.  Now I want to make more stuffed items. The other thing I tried so hard to do this year, was not purchase copious amounts of yarn.  I only bought 2 skeins I did not have immediate plans for.  Otherwise, anything I bought has already been used.  The granny square blanket used up quite a bit of my DK weight stash yarn that has been hanging around.  The 'To The Point' shawls use up 2 skeins of yarn of worsted weight stash for each shawl.  Slowly my stash yarn is being used.

Having just celebrated my 70th birthday, I realize, buying more yarn is probably not a grand idea unless I have a specific plan for it.  Of course I say this after purchasing 2 more skeins of fingering weight sock yarn this week.  It has not arrived yet so will show you what it is next week.  It is another mystery yarn.  Should be interesting to see what I am gifted this time.

Next week I will give you a look at my ideas for the coming YOP 13.  Are you interested in joining?  We would love to meet you. Follow this link to join in.  If you are not a member of Ravelry, go ahead and join it.  Membership is FREE!

Until Next Time........................................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 18, 2023


 One more week and this YOP (year of projects) will be completed for me.  It is hard to believe I have been a part of this group since it's inception.  It has been one of the most fun things I have done.  I have 'met' some awesome people through this group.  Many are no longer a part of YOP but I still keep in contact with them through social media or their personal blogs.  If you knit, crochet, cross stitch, paint, sew, quilt etc..........think about joining us and sharing your special talent with us.  This is a 100% judgement free zone!

Anyway..................I did get something completed this past week.

The 'To The Point' shawl is completed.  The label and medal have been attached also and it is ready to go to the prayer shawl ministry to be blessed and distributed to someone who needs a bit of comfort during their journey with cancer.

Once that was completed, I decided I needed to get my Mehujaa shawl completed before the end of week 52.

Needless to say, this past week did not see it's completion.  It did see me completing 24 rows in just a couple of evenings.  I still have 47 rows to go before it will be done and off the needles.  (Blocking not included)  Is it possible to do that before next Sunday?  Possibly.  I figured out how long it took to complete each row.  I only need about 20 hours of down time to make it happen. 

Last week was a bit busy for me.  Here is a brief rundown:

Monday - Laundry as well as taking a grand to work only to turn around and pick her up again.
                 completed prayer shawl.

Tuesday - More laundry, ran errands, had a lovely spaghetti dinner at our local mom and pop                   Italian restaurant, worked on shawl

Wednesday - Finish the laundry, went swimming (finally), spent hours working on the shawl

Thursday -  hubby's 74th bday!, took E to the vet, got a haircut, did a bit of decluttering, went                       to adoration,  started a roast in the crockpot for Fridays dinner
Friday - Made tortillas, shredded up the roast and added green chili to make 'green chili beef                 for dinner, made spanish rice, had a lovely dinner with a dear priest friend.

Saturday - Picked up food for our church's food bank, went to mass, went to a birthday party 
                  for my BFF.

Today we are heading over to our youngest son's home for a Father's Day BBQ with the entire family.  Should be able to do a bit of knitting on the shawl when we come home later this evening.

According to my calendar, I do not have any special appointments this coming week.  (yet)  Stay tuned to see if that stays that way.  If it does, completion of the shawl is totally possible.

Next week I will do a wrap up of the past year's progress in preparation of Year of Projects year 13!

Until Next Time.....................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 11, 2023



Only two weeks left for me in year 12 of YOP!  Craziness!  Will I be able to complete all my carry over projects before the completion of this year?  No way, no how!  Take a look at what happened this past week and then you will see why completion is not in the forecast.

Sunday I got a phone call from one of my grandsons.  He wanted to inform me that there is a new great grand daughter joining our family in October!  You know what that means.........

Baby knitting time!  I have had 3 skeins of baby pink pipsqueak yarn sitting in my stash for several years.  I pulled it out as well as the white skeins and started on a baby blanket straight away.  The color is much more pink than shows in the photo.  I will also be making a sweater and sweet bear eared hat once I get the yarn purchased.  Since blankets take so long to do, I decided to get started on it first.

But wait................there's more!

I felt it was time to start another To The Point prayer shawl.  Wow!  My photos are not showing true colors at all.  This is actually more blue than the photo shows.  I think this will be done before the last week of this YOP as long as I work on it daily and not just the baby blanket.  This is a quick crochet project, normally.  I really want to complete it this week and then take this one and the other prayer shawls I have completed, sew on the labels and medals and get them to my friend at church so they can be turned into the cancer ministry for distribution.  Stay tuned to see if I get it completed.

Other than those projects I still have these items on the needles.

There are 3 projects.  A shawl, scatterby socks and RCR socks waiting in the wings for some love.

Then there are these:

I still have 2 cross stitch pieces to work on.  The one on the left is 3/4 done.  The one on the right..............maybe 1/100!  It is a huge piece and so hard to work because much of it is white on white.  

I am hoping to have something completed by next week.  If I can keep distractions to a minimum next week.  Thursday is Hubby's birthday and Friday we have a priest friend coming over for dinner.  I have a grand child to take to work on Monday but other than that...............not much happening.  Looks like a promising week, right?  Once again, stay tuned!

I leave you with a sweet photo of my little boy dog.

This is about 4:30 in the afternoon.  He is patiently waiting for me to get out of my chair and go to the kitchen to feed him.  Feeding time is 6pm!  His internal clock is not very reliable LOL.

Until Next Time......................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 4, 2023



Hey there.  How are things at your place?  It is mighty quiet at mine today.  That is not a bad thing since this past week was filled with so much busyness.  Kind of nice to have a quiet day without much on my to do list.

As for my crafting this week...........Once again, it was pitiful

My shawl has seen 3 rows added to it.  That is sad, isn't it.  It is just too large to take with me when I am out and about.  So, I cast on a RCR sock to give me a portable project that I do not need instructions for.  It did not get much love other than the day I went to get my car serviced.  I was just too darn busy this week.

Here is what kept me busy most of the time:

These three cuties.  I was on dog duty twice a day for 8 days, to feed and love on these guys while their owners were attending a family funeral.  They are good dogs but sure were missing their owners.  I tried to knit while being there but............these guys have never been around needles and yarn.  No respect for either.  So, no knitting while being there 2-3 hours each day.

Speaking of missing an owner.  Here is what Enrique does when I leave the house.

So pathetic.  He will stay there for quite a while and then move to the love seat and lay his head on the arm of that so he can continue to watch the back door.  He gives me so much love when I come in too.  Makes my heart all warm and fuzzy.

This next week looks so much calmer.  Other than taking my DIL to an appointment on Friday, I do not have anything unusual happening.  YAY!  Hubby returns home this afternoon after his 4 day conference he attended.  Yes siree............back to normal.

Until Next Time...................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!