YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, May 31, 2010

End of May?

Golly Gee, where does the time go to?  Here it is the end of May and I feel like the year just started.  Does this mean I am getting old?  I hear the older you get the quicker time goes by.  I hope this is just some old wives tale.

Tomorrow being the first of June sees me turning another year OLDER!  I have no plans for the birthday and that is fine with me.  Since this weekend was Memorial Day weekend I had lots of fun with family and friends.

Saturday my Grand Daughter came and we had a sleep over.  She is such a joy to have and being four is almost grown up to her.  We played, went to Mass, went to McDonald's for dinner and then decided it was time to go swimming for the first time this year.  (the water was COLD).  She loved all of it but I think she liked the swimming best even if my lips were blue after 30 minutes in the water.

Sunday is family day as usual and Grand Daughter's parents came over around noon and we all went swimming again.  It was not as bad this time since the sun was shining brightly but the first 5 minutes in the water were a bit frigid.  We swam for about 2.5 hrs and then we got out and put out the snacks that the little girl "helped" me make.  My mom came over and we played some card games and then I BBQ'd chicken kabobs for the family and my daughter made Mac and Cheese to go with it.  My mom made a wonderful angel food cake for my birthday so we had a very yummy desert too.

Today I went shopping with my mom at Dress Barn (free plug for them).  Afterwards we went to Daves BBQ for lunch and had a really enjoyable time.  I came home and proceeded to do a bit of house keeping until I was so tuckered out from all the activities of the weekend I finally sat down, put in a chic flic and proceeded to knit and crochet on my two prayer shawls.  I was going to BBQ some chicken breasts up for daughter and I but neither one of us were all that hungry so will do that tomorrow night after work.  I went to holy hour of prayer at 9 and now I am home and wide awake! 

I know I need to go to sleep as I have to be up around 5:30 tomorrow to get ready for work but for some reason I can not get sleepy.  (Bet I am sleepy by 3 in the afternoon tomorrow!) 

Hubby has been gone since last Wednesday and returns tomorrow.  He went to Vegas to visit his mom for her 83rd birthday!  Today they went to the VA cemetery to decorate his Dad's gravesite.  He was plenty busy while up there.  He helped his brother plant Lantana and Mexican birds of paradise in Mom's front yard.  He also got his mom to the DMV to get her drivers license.  She doesn't drive anymore but it was easier to get the license that it was to get an ID card!  Go figure.

My dog and cat are staring at me like I have lost my mind.  They really want me to go to bed so they can go to bed too.  Guess I will be a good pet owner and accomodate them. (Just this one time thought)

Have a great week!

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Here are a couple of pictures of the prayer shawls I am working on for one of my ravelry groups.

On the left is the Lala's Simple Shawl done in Fantasy yarn on a size 9 needles.  It is a lovely yarn and so soft.  Unfortunately I am at a stand still for the moment until my 40" needles arrive.  Right now I am working on 12" circulars and kind of feeling the cramp.

On the left is Eva's Shawl pattern done in 100% alpaca.  This is crocheted on a G hook.  I wish you could see the fuzziness of the yarn in this picture but alas my photo skills are limited to my little Canon powershot camera.  But let me tell you that this yarn is also very yummy and is going to be absolutely beautiful when it is finished.

I have another shawl in the works but have not taken any pictures of it yet as I am not sure I am 'in love' with it.  It is a multnomah shawl and I like the pattern but not sure I picked the right yarn for it.  I will work on it some more before I decide.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend and please pray for all those who protect and serve our country. (Thank you my son for your service! USN)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I am in fiber heaven!

Last week I went to my LYS (local yarn shop) and purchased some very lovely yarn to make some prayer shawls. I am in 3 KAL/CAL (knit along/crochet along) on Ravelry. So what do I do? Start 2 of them at once! Someone suggested that, having more than one project on the needles/hooks at a time is wonderful, and that way if you get tired of working on one you can put it in it's project bag and pick up another and work on it. SO I am going to try it.

Now mind you, I still have my socks on the needles and need to finish those and get the other pair made before we leave in July for Tx! Surely I will have no problem here right?

One of the KAL is for the month of June (so I am already ahead there) and the other KAL/CAL is from May thru September so I don't think I will have a problem getting that done. All of the shawls are worked on large needles and have a lot of laceyness (is that a worf) to them so they go pretty quick.

Now here is why I am in fiber heaven..............one of the shawls I am going to do (the crochet one) I bought baby alpaca yarn to use. It is so soft, furry and yummy looking. Can't wait to do that one but I have done that shawl before and it goes really quick so I don't need to start that one until the other two are well under way. I just hope I don't end up with furries up my nose all the time while using it. (ewwwww)

As for the socks..................the foot portion is done as well as the heel and now I am working on the leg portion. But since these are not to be knee socks like the boot socks were they will be done much quicker! So tonight I will work on the socks until my fingers get cramped from holding the tiny needles and then I will switch over to one of the prayer shawls.

Pictures will be following shortly. (well not today)

Have a grea week! (I am)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Stopping by to say hi!

Just stopping in to let you all know I am still here.

Been really busy with life the past few weeks. I have been knitting up a storm on MY socks and hopefully will get a picture taken of them soon and post it here. I think they are going to be really nice looking without using any type of "decorative knit" on them. The striping on them is so nice and interesting. So once again I am just going to do a plain vanilla sock. Infact I am going to do it twice. I have enough yarn to make 2 pair of socks because when I started knitting them I realized the patterning of them is the exact opposite of each other. One goes from black to purple to red and the other goes from red to purple to black. So I figure when I do the second pair then each sock will have a mate! Pretty smart huh?

I am still working on 2 different prayer shawls also.

I have not beaded since before Easter as I really like to just sit and knit at night because I can be with my family and my beading is in a whole other room of the house and kind of a pain to transport. Plus I really do not have any inspirations coming to me to make in the jewelry line.

It is almost time here to take the safety net off our pool and get into it. The temp of the water is 80 degrees. Just about right for us. Looking forward to a bit of water aerobics again.

Hopefully this weekend we will be getting our 4 dead fruit trees removed from our backyard. They are so unsightly! Then we are going to look into putting artificial grass back there. There are a few places in the area that do this. The new artificial grass looks so real and it is pet friendly too. This will sure cut down on our water bill!

After that is completed then I would say the outside of our home is just about complete. Other than thinking about putting up a pagodo over the artificial grass and getting some new patio furniture. Than it will be DONE! Next..............the inside of the house.

Summer is upon us and we wanted to get all the outside done before the 100's hit and I think we will just about make it. (barely) Then we can work on the inside where the A/C is and be comfortable.

So does anyone out there have any big plans for this summer?

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Finally THE SOCKS are finished. Man, I didn't think I was ever going to quit seeing gray! They are just a plain vanilla sock with an inch of ribbing around the top. Nothing special but since they had to fit in a boot they had to be longer than I normally make.

Of course while working on these we took several trips, I had a knitting class and had to finish another pair of socks in 3 weeks, I knitted and crocheted some prayer shawls etc. So it is not like I worked on these day in and day out for the past 3 months.

I already have my next sock project picked out. I am going to make a pair of purple self striping socks for ME! I have yet to make myself a pair and I have decided it is time. They will also be a plain vanilla sock since I want the striping to really show off.

I would like to take this moment to wish all you moms and dads who have to be a mom, a happy mothers day. Enjoy it because being a mom is a VERY hard profession.

Until later............happy crafting.