We have a new member in our family. This is Luna. She is a rescued dog from Mixed up Mutts and Shephards Too. They think she is about 4 years old and if you look closely you can see her back right paw is black. That is from skin grafts she had to have. They don't know how she damaged it but she is lucky as they almost had to amputate it. She is a Chihauhau Minature Pinscher mix. What a love too! I was originally looking to get a Doxie for my Mother in Law but fell in love with this little bit of a thing and couldn't resist her. She has a great personality and has made her way into our hearts in a very short time. She has been with us now for two weeks!
Here is a scarf that I am knitting for someone very special to me. I have never done somthing that will come out rectangular that is knitted on the "bias". It makes the striping really kind of cool.

I am still beading too. I have lots of stuff ready for the craft sale on the 20th. Now I only hope that we have lots of people attend so I don't have to bring it all home and then decide what I am going to do with all of it. Here are just a few pictures of what I have ready to go. This is not even half of them and I am still working on more these next two weeks.
And last but not least is some photos of my Grand Daughter who decided that it would be kind of fun to try out ice hockey. I have a whole new respect for hockey players. After watching her get her gear on I was exhausted. And all I did was watch. Of course she told us that she couldn't play hockey because she has all of her teeth! She got 4 free lessons and we are taking bets on how many of them she will actually go to. Last night she was already saying she didn't want to go anymore. (she has only been once.) So we will see.
So that is about all for now. Some day I will figure out this blogger thing. It took me over an hour just to get this all posted and aligned and I am still not happy with it. Oh well, maybe when I have more than a couple of hours in a day free I will be able to do that.
Have a great week all and Craft On!