YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


As promised I did take pictures of the 'winter wear' that I made.

This is from a Chemo hat pattern.  My niece wanted a skull cap and this was so feminine that I just couldn't resist it.  I love the lace on the bottom of it.  It is made with Lorna's Laces and the color is Huck's Room.

These are called Peek-a-boo mittens.  They are really clever in the fact you can just pop your four fingers out of the mitten without the help of either hand or your mouth.  You can also pop them back in without any assistance.  It is nice when you have your hands full of children, purse, grocery sacks, etc and need to have some extra dexterity for something like your keys.

Finally is the scarf.  It is called Column of Leaves and was the first lace project that I had attemped on anykind of a large scale.  I loved doing it and will probably do more scarve in this pattern.

That is all for now.

Have a great crafty day.

Monday, October 11, 2010


I have some FO's.  For those of you that do not craft in any way shape or form...........FO stands for...............Finished Objects.  I have lots of FO's actually.

I finished the hat, mittens and scarf for my niece/God Daughter in Wisconsin.  Now I just need to get it in the mail so she can be nice and toasty warm this winter.

I finished 2 sets (necklace, earrings, braclet) of beading for the craft show/sale.  I have another set on the beading board and I just finished a chunky chain necklace and have another one that needs a clasp put on it and that will be done!

Amazing what a person can do when they get an extra day off on the weekend.  Especially if you tell everyone that you are not doing anything that day but working on your UFO's!!!!! 

I even got to work on MY socks a bit last night.  They have been sitting there for about 4 months now waiting for me to notice them again.  It felt good to get a lot of stuff finished up and be able to work on what I wanted with out any guilt.

I will try and take some pictures to post on here of some of the FO's.  I am so bad about taking pictures and I carry a camera in my purse all the time.  Go figure.  But I really want you all to see the winter set I made as well as some of the jewelry that I have designed and made.

Ok, well that is about all for now.  TTYL

Friday, October 1, 2010


Remember how I was complaning last month about it being September and still being over 100 degress outside.  Well, same gripe only now it is October!  But at least the swimming pool is still in use longer than normal.  Then I hear the other night that we are entering a La Nina season and that we will have a milder than normal winter.  GREAT!  This means we will have bugs up the kazoo next year.  I already have ants all over my back yard and we can not find out where they are coming from.  Now I will have crickets, spiders and goodness knows what other little critters to go with them.  All I pray for now is a lot of those cute little geckos that we have sometimes that eats all our bugs.

Ok, so much for my complaining.  Now on to the crafting front.

I got the scarf done this past weekend and now am working on the hat.  I should have that done this weekend and then the mittens will ensue.  The hat would have been done about Wednesday but I had to rip it out 4 times as I was not happy with the size of it.  I even swatched the yarn before I started and it still came out big enough for 2 small children to wear it at the same time.  It is now perfect and I am on the decreasing rows so it will be done shortly.

I have not done anymore beading for the craft sale and really want to get back to that but not until the "winter" wear is done and boxed up and sent to it's owner.  Then I can bead without and feelings of guilt.

Than my Grand Daughter found a lonely skein of light green yarn and decided she wanted me to make a blanket for her baby. (I am not sure which baby as she has LOTS of them).  So when she is there I do a couple of rows on it to appease her little self.  Otherwise it is tucked neatly away in my WIP (works in progress) area. 

We have not decided on flooring yet either.  I need to go to one of the flooring stores that my DH went to but have not had the time to do that yet.  Their hours are not very condusive to the working class folk. 

In a couple of weeks we are going to be heading to Las Vegas for our 35th wedding anniversary.  Our best friends are suppose to be going with us but that is up in the air right now since their house caught on fire and they are a bit displaced and waiting for the work to be done on it so they can move back in.  One of our sons and his wife are going also.  We are looking forward to getting away for a few days to relax and just totally enjoy ourselves.

Did I tell you that our youngest son made Chief in the US Navy? He was pinned on the 18th of September. We are so proud of him and his family. He deserved it too. We were not able to make the pinning but got lots of pictures from them of the ceremony. Here are just a few of them.

So that is my life up to the moment.  It may not sound exciting to you but to me it is wonderful and full of love, family and friends.

Until later..............................