YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Still Here

I don't want you all to think I have left the blog world. I have just been so busylately.

We went to Vegas right after mother's day to see my father in law who is terminally ill with lung cancer and were there for about 4-5 days. It was a good visit and I was glad we went. He is starting to show some signs of the disease but is still in good spirits and quite active. We also got to see my Sister in Law whom we had not seen in a few years.

In June I went to Albuquerque to see my daughter and Son in Law. He had just completed his Master's program so we had a small party for him. I stayed at a priory (Catholic retreat center) while I was there and really enjoyed the peace and quite it offered. The bugs were a bit of a problem but I managed to master the can of raid left in my room. LOL While there I woke up one morning to the wonderful sight of hot air balloons going right over my room! I got some great pictures of it. (Pictures will be posted later) I also managed to get quite a bit of crocheting done while I was there. I completed one prayer shawl and started another!

After I got back I took my mom to the airport for her 10 day trip to Kansas to see her friends and family there. She had a great time and was very glad to go back.

Today my DH and I are leaving for Vegas again to see his Father. We have never spent a holiday in Vegas so are looking forward to it. The hotel we are staying at will have fireworks on Friday and we are going to ask for a room that looks out over the display.

Next month my grand daughter and I are going to Chicago to visit my son and his family. He is in the Navy there and is an instructor at Great Lakes Naval Base. I thought it was time for my grand daughter to get to know her cousins so she is going with me for that reason. She will turn 3 just before we leave! She is so cute. She is telling everyone that we are going to "cago". She even has everyone's names memorized that she is going to see. Her Godfather lives there too and we are hoping she will get a chance to see him while we are there too.

In October my mom is going to have her right shoulder replaced. She is not looking forward to the procedure but is looking forward to the end results. She is unable to knit at this time and she loves to knit. once the shoulder is replaced she will be able to do all her favorite things again.

After that I think my life will return to somewhat of a normal pattern.

I promise that I will be posting pictures here hopefully before my Chicago trip and then again after that. I have some great shots of the prayer shawl I completed in New Mexico and lots of other stuff.

Until later..............have a crafty day!