YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 25, 2015

17 and counting down

This will be a very quick post................I think.  I don't have any pictures for you today.  Sorry about that.  I am working very hard at a couple of things though.

I am making a shawl out of lace weight 100% silk yarn.  I need to have it done and blocked before the wedding this coming Saturday!  I am over half way done with it at this point.  All my attention has been on that item and will be until the wedding is over.  

I have also worked on the Snoqualmie Falls socks while on the road trip last weekend.  Road trips are not a good place to try and work with lace weight yarn on slippery needles with lace patterns being worked.  Socks are so much safer in the car.

I have not touched any of my other Christmas gifts for the past 2 weeks.  Once the wedding is over, I will have time to concentrate on them again.  Also, the weather here has cooled off a bit so I should be able to start back on the afghans and get those completed soon too.

That is all for now.  I have to get back to my shawl.  Pictures will be posted next week of the finished product.

Happy Crafting!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Week 14?!

I am back and it feels almost strange to be blogging after 9 weeks of silence.  Trust me, the silence was only on my blog.  My life has been anything be silent with the remodeling that we have been doing.  At last it is all done and we are starting to get back into normalcy.....sort of.  I have tons of pictures to show you so sit back and relax.

Right after my last blog, our family and friends got together and completely tore out my kitchen cabinets, counter tops, flooring and baseboards

Then we had to paint the walls so they would be all nice and clean.  Good bye orange walls, hello Swiss Coffee.

The "cooking" area had to be moved.  The refrigerator sat in our dining room.......

Our microwave was our only way to actually cook anything and it sat in our living room.

The cabinets arrived the day after we got everything painted. Still had some flooring to pull up.  Love the smell of cardboard.  NOT!

The installer opened all the boxes a couple of days later and tried to set them in their respective places as best as he could.

Cabinets are installed.  This is now week 3 with no kitchen.  We still have flooring to lay and counter top slabs to pick out.  Seems like things are taking forever.

We also installed new LED lighting throughout the kitchen.  Makes it nice and bright

But, that isn't all we had going on.  While waiting on counter tops.....Our two bathrooms got their remodel done too.  Guest bath was done first.  ( My dogs and I went to a friends house during this part. )

She thinks this is HER bathroom now.  Gosh she is growing up way to quick for this MiMi.

Hubby and I got our shower redone last.  But it was all worth it.

Mean while, back to the kitchen.......and laundry room

Our friends knew that hubby and I are not getting any younger and built us a platform for our washer and dryer.  What a back saver.

Flooring is laid in dining room, kitchen, powder room and laundry room.  Week 4 comes and goes.

We head out to the tile place to pick out our slabs the day the cabinets are completely installed.  Slabs are picked and we are told everything should be done in two weeks for install......................................Someone lied to us.  Seven days later we still had not been contacted to approve the template layout for our counter tops.  So........The not so nice Leftycrafter made a few phone calls.  We got in to approve the layout within 3 days and then was told it would be 2-3 weeks before install...............................Guess who got nasty and in their faces?  Yup, that was me.  Imagine that.....................counter tops were ready for install in one week.  Plumber was out the next day to hook up the new dishwasher and new sink.  SO this is the finished product.........................

I am totally in love with my new kitchen.  I even enjoy cooking again.  My storage space increased by 1/3 and I no longer have kitchen items in the laundry room or back pantry.  

During this time..................I did a bit of crafting.  Cause what else is a girl suppose to do.  Here is what is on hook and needles.

Our future Son in Law sock.  Completed on and still have another one to do.  They took forever as the man does not have a small foot.

Second Snoqualmie Falls sock.  I really love this pattern as it is full of interest and never gets boring.

This afghan will actually end up being a mermaid tail afghan.  It is pretty simple to do and something I can do while watching TV.  Just a little to warm to continue working on it at this point though.  The weather here needs to cool off pretty soon, or I will be working on all this heavy items on Christmas Eve again.

So, Daughter is getting married on Halloween this year.  This is the card box I made for them.  The ring bearer boxes match it as far as color goes but the outside is totally different.  They have twin boys for the rings.

I am also making an American Flag afghan.  I am half way done with the body of the afghan and I have all 50 stars made for it.  I took some great photos of it, but for some reason, they will not download off my camera.  

We have installed the new Windows 10 and have found a few other glitches with it.  But this is the first one that has me frustrated.

Anyway..................until next time........................Happy Crafting!