YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, January 22, 2017

YOP update WEEK 30

It is another lovely week, that has passed us by. Even though the skies are grey and the clouds are heavy with rain, I still consider it a lovely day ahead.  Once springs hit the deserts of Arizona, clouds are few and far between.  So I enjoy this time of year that is so very brief.  It lasts for about 6 weeks is all. So, I am sitting at my PC with my cup of tea, in my jammies, eating my protein breakfast bar and enjoying the quiet that is Sunday morning at Casa De Noce.

Want to see what I did this week craft wise?  Of course you do!

First up:

My Dying in the Light Shawl.  I am doing this for the Spoil Yourself KAL with Knitterarium.  What a lovely pattern it is and not really complicated at all.

Last week I was bemoaning that issue of the jogs in the grey color as well as the jogs in the yarn overs.  The designer (Ruth) informed me the jogs in the yarn overs were intentional.  I still was not happy with the jog in the grey and also the tab beginning was not to my liking. What do you do?  You rip it out before you go any further and start over.  I am much happier with the look of this now.  I work on this at night while watching TV.  It is pretty easy for the most part and I only really need the pattern during the Yarn Overs and when the contrasting color is added, as it uses German Short Rows and I have to really count.


Spring Tulip Socks.  This yarn makes me smile.  I am loving the bright color and it actually does remind me of a Tulip field with all the bright pretty colors blowing in the wind.

This pattern also has yarn overs.  I am in love with lacy effect items right now.  Living in a hot climate makes you want to have holes in all your clothes.

I started another prayer shawl.

I love the idea of having pockets in a prayer shawl.  These items are supposed to be worn by the recipients for comfort and to feel like there is a hug being given as you wear them. That's wonderful but......................where do you put your tissues, phone, remote control, prayer book, prayer beads, etc.  These shawls go to all religions and many have gone across the globe too.  I feel I need to keep a prayer shawl going at all times.  There is always going to be someone that is in need of prayers.  That is what I do as I crochet these items.  I never know who the shawl is going to.  All I know is.......It is someone who is in need of prayers.  Usually someone suffering from a terminal illness.

So that is what is on the needles and hooks this week.  Those three projects will be traveling with me to New Orleans.  I am to be gone for 3 weeks and will need lots of things to keep me occupied during the day while Grand Daughter is in school.

I did buy something this week that I am so excited about:

My Happy Planner by Create 365 holder.  I travel with my planner.  It is like having my diary with  me as well as my calendar as well as my to do and menu list.  This baby has room for EVERYTHING!

One side holds my colored pens, stickers and pocket folders.  The pocket folders get put in as I need them.  I will be putting receipts in them from my trip so I have proof of what I spent and can verify it with my credit card company.  (not that I don't trust them lol)

On the other side is where my planner and washi tape is held.  I still have one zipper pocket that is empty!  Hmmmmmmmm, wonder what I could fill it with.  It is so much fun working with my planner.

 This is my day already planned out for tomorrow.  It will be a very busy day as I have lots stuff to do before my flight early Tuesday morning.  I am excited to be going and yet a bit apprehensive.  It will just be me and 1 grand.  So there will be lots of time to really get to know each other.  

In my post on Wednesday, I told you I was having sinus issues.  Well.................the Dr told me it is the 'crud'.  She also gave me the good news, it lasts about 2 weeks.  I am one week down with it now.  It has stayed in my head, thank goodness but I am so tired of blowing my nose.  Last night I took a combo of meds (all Doctor approved) and actually slept really well for the first time in a week.  Hopefully, I am on the mend.  I will do the med cocktail again tonight and pray by tomorrow I will be sooo much better.  

Time to get busy and start some laundry.  I don't know why we wait until the weekend to do most of our clothing laundry.  We do towel and bedding during the week.  Being retired, you would think we would do all this stuff during the week so we could have weekends 100% free.  

Until next time..................happy crafting!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Wednesday happenings

Hello friends.  It is wednesday and I am here to do a brief update.  LOL  As you all know, none of my updates are really brief.

Last we spoke, it was Sunday morning.  The rest of the day was spent going to Church, doing laundry, and watching football with the son and his family.  Our Grand Daughter spent the night also.

Monday, the Grand and I did a little clothes shopping.  She has grown so much since Christmas that the leggings I bought her are now about 4 inches too short!  They were good leggings too.  I bought LuLaRoe for her.  It is all I wear so I know they don't shrink in the wash.  We did find 2 pair of leggings and a really cute hoodie for her.  The rest of the day we just kind of hung around the house until it was time to take her home so she could go to Girl Scouts.

Tuesday was too early of a day for me.  I had to have hubby to the surgicenter by 6:30 that morning for his procedure.  There was a biopsy done and we are waiting for the results.  He is going to have to have minor surgery anyway, but need the pathology report to determine how quickly and to what extent the surgery will be.  This growing old stinks!

I have been working on my Dying of the Light shawl this week as well as my Spring Tulip socks.  The socks are now into the leg and I have both of them to the same point.  The shawl doesn't require as much attention to the pattern as the socks do, so that is my traveling pattern.  While waiting for hubby, yesterday, I had a gentleman and his wife absolutely fascinated with my knitting.  She wants to learn but is afraid she is too old.  I told her, no one is ever too old to learn a new craft if their heart really wants to.

Grand Daughter came to our house after school and we did homework and just hung out until her mom came for her.  We also made tacos for dinner.  That is one of her favorites and my hubby's too.

Today, I have done some errands and have a Blood Pressure check.  I also need to get to the bank to cash a check for my mom.  I will be picking up Grand Daughter again after her soccer practice today and she will be going with me to my Weight Watchers meeting.  She will be able to do her homework while there as they have a little table set up for things like that.  Afterwards, I will be taking her home and then coming home to make dinner.

The rest of the week is also busy.

Tomorrow I have prayer shawl ministry, visiting my mom and adoration.  Friday morning is quiet at this time but we have Grand Daughter in the afternoon and then a dinner engagement with one of our priests that has been in Rome for the past 5 years.  He was sorely missed!  He has been assigned to another parish but we remain in contact with him.

That about sums up the week.  This weekend will be spent getting all my clothes together for my 3 week trip to New Orleans.  I am looking forward to it.  I just hope this sinus issue I have been having the past week leaves before then.  I am going to talk to the Dr about that today too.  I don't need to be sick before I even get there.

Until next time..............Happy Crafting!!!!!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Update Week 29

Wow, this seems so surreal to be in week 29 already.  I can remember trying to figure out what kind of list I wanted to make for this year and now we are over half way through that year.  

I don't know what I like more.....................writing my blog or reading other blogs.  I think reading other blogs is on top.  I love to seeing what others are; doing, crafting, going, reading, cooking, etc........

Anyway.............We spent Sunday through Thursday in Las Vegas.  It was a grand time for us.  Something we both needed after all the mad rush of the month of December.  We drove home Thursday morning.  It was a glorious drive and I had so much crafting time while away.  I was shocked.  I did manage to complete 2 projects, just as I hoped I would.

First up:

The Prayer Shawl I started just before we left.  This is a 'varigated' yarn from "I Love This Yarn".  I had it in a project bag from the first moment I bought it about 3 years ago.  On the front of the bag was written................SHAWL. 

Like I said in my previous post............I had tried 3 patterns on this and none of them made me happy.  So I did; 3 rows double crochet and then 3 rows fillet crochet.  I love making my shawls with the number 3 woven throughout them.  It has so many meanings:  Faith, Hope, Love; Father, Son, Holy Spirit; Jesus, Mary, Joseph; Earth, Wind, Fire.....etc......And if you are wondering......................yes......................the colors are just as wild as they appear here.

Then, there were the Hermione Everyday Socks I was working on.  I completed the first one as we pulled into our driveway and completed the second one that evening.  I really enjoyed this pattern and have it earmarked to do again.  I think it works so well with self striping yarn. Personally, I think it would work well with any type of patterned yarn.

So..................there I sat in my family room.  Two projects completed.  My yarn for my KAL shawl had not been delivered yet.  The pattern I wanted to use for the KAL was not released yet.  What should I do?

Of course!!!!

Cast on another pair of socks.  I have had these on the project self since the start of this YOP.  The yarn is called "naked sock yarn".  It doesn't have any wool in it and has lots of stretch to it.  The color reminded me of spring time with all the flowers blooming.  I just about have the cuff on one sock done.  I will be working these, two at a time on DPN's.

Thursday night, the pattern for my KAL shawl was released..............Friday, my yarn came in the mail.  I busted my bum to get all my chores done on Friday so I could sit down and cast on  "Dying of the Light' by Knitterarium.  Most of us here on YOP know her as Ruth McKeon or Celtic Knits.  She is a splendid designer and a sweetheart of a person to interact with.

Here is the start of my shawl.  I am making it with Comfy Cotton from Knit Picks and the Colors I chose are, Planetarium for the dark and Whisker for the lighter color.  I have already learned a new stitch...............German Short Row.  Since I use the Fish Kiss Lip Heel, I do not use a wrap and turn and therefore had never heard of the GSR.  It is fast and easy to use.  For some reason, I am seeing "jogs" in the first few rows.  I am going to take a day and decide if I can live with them or if I need to rip it back and try again.  It's not like I have days invested in it yet.  So ripping it back is not like a major issue for me.

In other news........................This coming week is jammed packed again.  Tomorrow night we have our Grand Daughter spending the night with us.  Her dad is leaving early Monday morning and her mom has to leave early for work.  The child does not have school, so I did not see a reason to wake her up at 6 just to take her to our house.  We will have her every night after school this week, which is fine with us.  It's not like we have tons of stuff planned this week.

Hubby has a recheck for the surgery he went through 3 years ago.  (colon resection)  He is being so good about eating lots of fiber everyday.  The Dr told him, if her could get 30 grams of fiber a day, he should never have another issue.  Trust me...............the man gets at least 30 grams a day if not more.

I have a blood pressure check this week too.  I was hoping to have lost a bit more weight, but with the holidays and the trip to Vegas..........I am just glad I managed to keep off what I had already lost.

I will keep updating my progress on project as I am able.  I leave the 24th for New Orleans. My Daughter in law is going TDY and has asked me to take care of her daughter while she is gone.  She and my son are stationed at 2 different naval bases (which really stinks).  I will be there for 3 weeks.  I am assuming she has WIFI.................I hope she has WIFI...........if she doesn't have WIFI, I may have to find a coffee shop that offers it.  I don't even like coffee that much LOL.  

Until next time...............Happy Crafting!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

YOP Week 28

Happy Sunday.  As you read this, I am probably on my way to Las Vegas.  Hubby and I are going there to see his mom and also for a little mini vacation.  I am entered in a slot tournament and am hoping to win something.  It has been years since I have entered in one. They are a lot of fun and very mindless.  You just sit and hit a button as fast as you can.

If you follow my blog regularly then you already know I have a finished object this week.

Ta-da.......my Fodhla shawl is completed, soaked, blocked and ready to go with me on my trip.  I have never worked a beaded knit project before.  The end results are very much worth the extra time it takes to add the beads.

I have another finished object............a corner to corner prayer shawl.  

I so enjoyed doing this.  It was a pretty quick crochet too.  Let me show you the little special part of this shawl.

As I was working on this in our Prayer Shawl group, one of the ladies told me she had some fun fur that would go with it.  I think it adds just the right amount of interest to the object.                              

I started another prayer shawl and after trying 3 different patterns, gave up and just started crocheting from my heart.   I will take a photo of it when I have better light and there is more done on it.  This will be one of my car projects along with my Hermione socks.  It is a 5 hour drive to Vegas.  Normally I drive up and hubby drives back.  I may just let him drive the whole time.  I really want to get those socks done and the prayer shawl too.  It would be nice to come home with 2 completed projects.  I will take another sock project along with me....just in case.

I will be starting my KAL with Knitterarium when I return.  I am waiting for her to release her latest pattern, Dying of the light, as well as waiting on the ordered yarn to come in for it.  That will be my travel project for when I go to New Orleans for 3 weeks.  

As you can tell, the next 2 months are jammed packed with activities for me.  I look forward to the traveling but am always glad when I get home to my hubby and dogs.

Until next time.............Happy Crafting

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Midweek madness

I had always heard, time goes faster as we get older.  It's true too.  I swear we just celebrated Christmas a couple of days ago and yet, we are in a new year.

I have been busy as usual.  On Monday I joined the Declutter Challenge for the 2nd year.  I almost made it through last year.  I completed all but 2 rooms.  90% of the rooms that were completed are still fantastic.   My bedroom and the craftroom need a little love again.  I love this challenge and will probably join in the spring cleaning one too.  I have not purchased any of her materials either.  I just follow along on facebook and her blog.  

Monday also saw me catching up on laundry from all the company we have had over the past 2 weeks.  I got it all done and out away.  It always feels so good to have empty laundry baskets, clean towels and clean sheets everywhere.

Tuesday I got my bum in gear and went for a nice mile walk.  I have been meaning to get back into an exercise routine and this seemed like a good day to do it.  It was a brisk 45F out, with a gentle breeze.  It omly took about 17 minutes for the mile,  but was wonderful to look around the neighborhood.   Once spring/summer hits, I will be using the treadmill at the gym again.  Too darn hot to walk when it is 90 to 115 outside.

My son and family returned from their 2 week trip to Seattle.  That means I am off of kitty/fish duty.  It really wasn't a bother.  They live about 7 minutes away from us.  Their cats are really cool and don't require lots of attention.  A few chin scratches, a few kitty treats and they are super happy. 

I also finished my Fodhla shawl on Tuesday evening.......late that evening.  I think it was close to midnight when I bound off.  I took it into the bathroom and laid it there for the soaking the next day. 

Wednesday, first thing, I soaked my shawl.  It is Comfy Cotton from Knit Picks.  It is also the first time I had used beads on a knitted project.  It was fun, but adding beads sure slows you down.  I didn't use any type of soaking agent other than tepid water.  I just wanted it to be really wet before I blocked it.  I had to chuckle as I watched it soak (yes I was bored), minute bubbles kept coming to the surface of the water and popping.  It reminded me of watching gnats hitting the water of a still body of water.  Soaking only took about 8 minutes and then on to the blocking.  Putting the blocking wires in always seems to take forever.  This time was no exception.  The shawl is 8 feet long, so took quite a few wires and pins.

As you can see.........it is quite long.  It is still drying today.  Cotton takes a bit longer to dry when it is moist outside.  It should be finished later today.......I hope.  We are leaving for Las Vegas on Sunday, and this is going with me to keep my neck area warm.

On Wednesday, I also completed a prayer shawl and started a new one.  I also worked on my Hermione socks for a bit.  The evening sawme attending 2 meetings which took me away from home for 3 hours.  But,once I returned,  my crochet hook was back in my hand.  It took 3 different patterns for the prayer shawl.  I finall gave up, frogged it and decided to do my own thing.  That seems to work the best on prayer shawls.  The pattern comes from my heart to be given to someone that needs comfort.

Today, I am going to my mom's cardiologists appointment with her.  I have noticed her shortness of breath is getting a bit more pronounced and want him to know about that.  Also, her hands are always cold as are her feet.  It is not something he can really do anything about, yet he needs to know her symptoms are increasing.  Heck, she is 89 and in pretty decent shape other than being wheelchair bound.

I also need to go to the mall and pick up our photo CD from Penney's. Next week, I pick up a 16x20 canvas print and then I will have it all packaged and shipped by UPS the Texas family.  I need to make a CD for the grandson who took all the photos while he was here.  He asked me to send him copies of his shots.  I think a CD would be better as he can edit them to his liking then.

That's it so far this week.  Until next time..............happy crafting!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

YOP Week 27

Happy 2017!  Did you manage to stay awake to see the New Year arrive?  Hubby and I did for the first time in MANY years.  We were busy working in the kitchen, getting all the food prep done for our gathering today.  I don't think we would have been able to sleep anyway until after midnight.  Fireworks started in our neighborhood around 7:30 and continued until about 12:30.  Our dogs were so scared and stayed as close to us as they could all evening.

This week of crafting has been a good week for me.  

First up:  Fodhla shawl

I am on the decreasing round and am hoping to get quite a bit done on it today.  One of the ladies coming over is an avid knitter also.  We love to sit and knit while the guys watch football all day.  Since the food is all prepped and in slow cookers...............not much kitchen work will need to be done other than making sure veggie and fruit trays are filled at all times.

Do you see that little pink bag in the back of the photo?

I ordered 4 of these from About The Needle.  I saw an advertisement on FaceBook and thought I would look into it.  I fell in love immediately.  You "don't pay for the bag".  You only "Pay for shipping and handling".  Even with ordering 4 of them (that is the max amount you are allowed to order), it was under $25.  Is it roomy?  That shawl in the first photo along with another skein of yarn is in that bag as well as the beads and pattern.  There are 2 zippered parts on the top of the bag and pockets on both sides of the outer area.

Here is another shot of it along with my Hermione Socks that are not done yet.

Both of those socks and skeins of yarn fit nicely into the bag.  If you look closely, you can see little handles.  It makes it very easy to pick it up and transport to where ever you need it to be.  I have a large project back and these will fit so nicely into it for when I travel.  It is a win win situation.

I am working solely on my shawl right now.  I need to have it finished by Friday so I can soak and block it for my trip that starts a week from today.  Wish me luck!

Tomorrow, reality sets back in.  As you know, I was out of town for 2 weeks the first of December.  Four days later, the Texas family came to stay for 6 days.  Three days after they left, my brother in law dropped in for a couple of days.  That brings us up to today.  Some dear friends from Las Vegas are in town and each year they come to our house on New Years day for food, football and festivities.  Hubby helped me get all the food ready and now he is mopping the house.  I help put everything back in place when he is done, so don't think I am being lazy.  My shoulders do not allow me to mop and vacuum like I would like. I take care of the laundry, cooking, grocery shopping, menu planning  and help move furniture when he does the cleaning.  It is a win win here.

For the past few weeks, I have been telling you about some stash enhancement:

Berroco Comfort Sock is one of my favorites to work with.  I fell in love with this color and had to have it.


I have never used Allegro yarn before.  The lovely lady at the yarn shop said it is very nice to work with and so soft!

I am also going a KAL this year.  It is a year long KAL with Ruth from Knitterarium.  She has been in our YOP for many years and is a great designer of shawls, scarves and other wearables.  I have chosen to do one of her shawls that is just finishing up the test.  Once it is released, I will be casting it on.  I ordered the yarn from Knit Picks the other day and am excited to get it.  Once the pattern is released, I will link you to it and show you the fiber I am using at that time too.

Ok, I think that about takes me up to date on everything.  I need to go and help hubby put the house back together and get ready for our company today.

I am going to leave you with a photo of 90% of my family.  We are missing 3 Grands from the photo.

Until next time................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!