YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Wednesday happenings

Hello friends.  It is wednesday and I am here to do a brief update.  LOL  As you all know, none of my updates are really brief.

Last we spoke, it was Sunday morning.  The rest of the day was spent going to Church, doing laundry, and watching football with the son and his family.  Our Grand Daughter spent the night also.

Monday, the Grand and I did a little clothes shopping.  She has grown so much since Christmas that the leggings I bought her are now about 4 inches too short!  They were good leggings too.  I bought LuLaRoe for her.  It is all I wear so I know they don't shrink in the wash.  We did find 2 pair of leggings and a really cute hoodie for her.  The rest of the day we just kind of hung around the house until it was time to take her home so she could go to Girl Scouts.

Tuesday was too early of a day for me.  I had to have hubby to the surgicenter by 6:30 that morning for his procedure.  There was a biopsy done and we are waiting for the results.  He is going to have to have minor surgery anyway, but need the pathology report to determine how quickly and to what extent the surgery will be.  This growing old stinks!

I have been working on my Dying of the Light shawl this week as well as my Spring Tulip socks.  The socks are now into the leg and I have both of them to the same point.  The shawl doesn't require as much attention to the pattern as the socks do, so that is my traveling pattern.  While waiting for hubby, yesterday, I had a gentleman and his wife absolutely fascinated with my knitting.  She wants to learn but is afraid she is too old.  I told her, no one is ever too old to learn a new craft if their heart really wants to.

Grand Daughter came to our house after school and we did homework and just hung out until her mom came for her.  We also made tacos for dinner.  That is one of her favorites and my hubby's too.

Today, I have done some errands and have a Blood Pressure check.  I also need to get to the bank to cash a check for my mom.  I will be picking up Grand Daughter again after her soccer practice today and she will be going with me to my Weight Watchers meeting.  She will be able to do her homework while there as they have a little table set up for things like that.  Afterwards, I will be taking her home and then coming home to make dinner.

The rest of the week is also busy.

Tomorrow I have prayer shawl ministry, visiting my mom and adoration.  Friday morning is quiet at this time but we have Grand Daughter in the afternoon and then a dinner engagement with one of our priests that has been in Rome for the past 5 years.  He was sorely missed!  He has been assigned to another parish but we remain in contact with him.

That about sums up the week.  This weekend will be spent getting all my clothes together for my 3 week trip to New Orleans.  I am looking forward to it.  I just hope this sinus issue I have been having the past week leaves before then.  I am going to talk to the Dr about that today too.  I don't need to be sick before I even get there.

Until next time..............Happy Crafting!!!!!


  1. Stay well and thanks for the info on the leggings and the reminder about Tacos for a meal....I love them too! The visit with your priest sounds interesting after being in Rome for that amount of time. I'm not catholic but my step dad was Italian and of course, that whole side of the family was catholic so I went to plenty of weddings, funerals and masses! LOL!

  2. I'll say a prayer to the Blessed MOther for your husbands biopsy results. I love all the HANGING out until its time references. Those are when children open up about their lives! Those are the moments I remember with my grandma from Ireland.


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