YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 29, 2023



Oh my, this was the week that was!  Let's take a look at how the week went for me.

Sunday - Hubby and I went to a new Casino and met up with our boys and their wives.  It was fun to be together for a few hours watching NFL Football.  When we got home, I started another RCR sock for hubby.

Monday - This is my laundry day.  I also made some very yummy sourdough cranberry bread.

Tuesday - Hubby has a class in the morning.  This gives me time to have a little me time.  I went to JoAnns to grab some beads to bling out some shoes.

I have 3 pairs of Hey Dude shoes.  I am not a fan of the way they have the laces attached.  So, I decided to make them just a little more feminine.  JoAnn's had their beads on sale so I was able to bling out all 3 pairs for under $15.

Wednesday - Josh called and asked me to pick him up and take him to the office so he could get his office laptop updated.  Things did not go as planned.

I had a gentleman pull out infront of me, from a buisuness driveway, and I t-boned him.  His car is pretty well totaled but he was not hurt.  My SUV is damaged but repairable and I have bruised ribs and chest from the seat belt doing it's job.  My knee is also bruised from hitting the dash.  Unfortunately, the man I hit does not have insurance so my insurance company will be taking the full brunt of the bill.  I will be picking up a rental car on Monday and they are getting me another SUV which is nice. I feel blessed as this could have been much worse since it was in the middle of rush hour traffic.

Thursday - Hubby cleaned half the house and I pitched in and did all the counter tops.  Not my brightest idea.  It really irritated my ribs.

Friday - Hubby and I went to the grocery store for our weekly groceries.  We also hosted game one of the World Series.  I am glad we decided to order a 4 foot sub for eats.  I also delegated the rest of the food to those coming to the party.  It was so much fun to have company at our house.  Unfortunately our team did not win.  Oh well, there are a lot more games to be played.

Saturday - OH MY RIBS!  I over did yesterday and I paid for it.  Anti-inflammatories became my closest friend on this day.  Hubby had a retreat all day so I sat and decided to start binge watching Virgin River on Netflix.  It is sooooo good!  So, while sitting and letting my ribs relax I did this.

Yup, I completed a pair of RCR socks in less than a weeks time.  Hubby was very surprised when he came home to find a pair of socks waiting for him.  Since those were done I decided to grab my basket of wool scraps and make a Gnome.

The hat is done and one row of the body.  It will give me something pofrtable to work on this week.  But wait, there is more.  I got treasures in the mail this day too.

Leading Men Fibers had another mystery sale on yarn.  I love their ShowStopper yarn.  That is what the RCR socks were made from.  These are 50 Gram hanks of yarn.  Perfect for a pair of RCR socks.  It is always so much fun to see what colors are picked for me.  They were all half price too.  Hubby is excited as he sees some colors we would never thought of using before.  He is so open to anything I make for him in any color.  Love that man!

We stayed home Saturday night and watched game 2 of the World Series.  Our team won!!!

Today is Sunday again.  Hubby and I went to Mass and are planning on a quiet day at home watching NFL Football.  The weather has finally cooled off and I am opening up windows after the sun goes down.  It still gets into the 80's during the day but into the 50's at night.  LOVELY!

Here is a photo taken the last day we had temps in the high 90's.

He loves to bury in blankets no matter the temperature.  Love this boy!

Until Next Time.........................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 22, 2023


 Another week has flown by.  It was a good week, overall.  I did do a bit of crocheting this week for a change of pace.

It was time to do another prayer shawl.  Once again, I used the ever popular 'To The Point' pattern.

The yarn is called Shimmer by Red Heart.  I think it might be discontinued.  This yarn has been in my stash for YEARS.  It is one of the softest yarns Red Heart makes.

Those white specks are actually little shimmering stands of yarn wound in with the 'normal' yarn and gives a lovely light shimmer to the shawl.  With the big three holidays coming up, I thought it would be nice to make a little more glamourous shawl for someone going through a tough time.

I got a sweet text from my SIL who lives in Colorado.  She received her socks this week.  They even managed to arrive on her actual birthday.

She loves them.  I am sure they will be loved with the cold weather coming there soon.  

No other crafting was done and I am once again trying to think of what I would like to do next.  It was suggested to look at my YOP list.  Well, I did not list specific items to be worked on only general categories to add items to.  I am sure something will strike my fancy soon.

Ninety percent of this past week was actually a normal week for me.  There was laundry, grocery shopping, menu planning and general housework.  It felt good to kind of be back to normal again.

Here is a post my son did this week about what is going on with him.

OK, for all of my friends and family I have not spoken to in person, I am sorry. So many to update and so little time. I know there have been questions about some of my posts recently, and concern about what is happening at the Price house.   


Here it is, on August 30th I was called by my doctor with results of an MRI I had taken due to some disorientation and dizzy spells. On that day he informed me that I have a brain tumor. He could not say what it was or what it meant. We have since been doing testing and consults at both the Mayo Clinic and Barrows Neurological Institute. As of today, we have decided to move forward with a biopsy at Barrows on November 2nd. This will tell us what the lesion is, and what next steps need to be taken. There is nothing more I can report than that at the moment.


All we can ask from our friends and family is for your prayers, love and support. We are doing everything we can to remain positive and hopeful for the best results possible from this biopsy. 


Since there are so many of you to update, I will post more on facebook as information becomes available. Thank you all for being patient with me and our updates as this will remain a fluid situation for a month.

So, we sit and wait again.  Once the needle biopsy is done, it will be about 7-10 days before the results are back.  Again with the sit and wait.  I will keep you all updated as we are updated.

And now, I leave you with something I see each evening around 5pm.

He is trying to let me know he is starving and hasn't eaten in MANY days!  Little pudgy liar.  He eats twice a day and gets a little doggie treat at bed time.  Most spoiled dog ever!

Until Next Time......................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 15, 2023



Another week gone another week in review blog post coming to you today.

Sunday - After I blogged last Sunday I baked a cake, did some laundry and worked on my SIL's RCR socks.

Monday - My daughter was on my side of town so we spent the day together.  I took her to Mulqueens.  It is a HUGE fabric store geared towards quilters.  The fabric in there is only the type you would use for quilt tops.  We also went to Bath and Body Works so I could pick up some lovely scented hand soap for my house.  After that we stopped and grabbed a bite of lunch.  Onwards we went, after lunch, to the Mall to look at shoes.  Daughter found a pair that were both comfy and could be worn with skirts/dresses as well as pants.  She is substitute teaching and so needs comfy/nice shoes.  I finished one of the RCR socks and got to work on the second sock again.  There were more sourdough crackers made too.

Tuesday - Hubby cleaned house while I ran and did errands.  I went to UPS, USPS, Sam's Club, Banfield Pet Clinic and the Water Store.  I spent the rest of the day working on the puzzle I started a couple of weeks ago.

I finished it only to discover there was one piece missing.  So frustrating since this was a brand new puzzle!

Wednesday - The cleaning of all the counter tops happened today as well as getting ALL the laundry completed.  I normally do the counter tops when hubby does the floors but since I was out and about yesterday, I got to it today.  I also did some straightening up of 'my area' of the family room.  It is all nice and neat now.  I tried so hard to finish up the second RCR sock today.  I stayed up until 1AM working on it.  

Thursday - I did it!  I finished the second sock and now have a pair of socks for my SIL.  Just in time too as her birthday is this coming Friday!

I finally got to the fun part of the sock when I hit the toe.  You can tell that the blue was a gradient also.  It just did not show up while I was working on them.  Took my TX DIL to her Dr appt to get her cast removed.  Her incision is all healed up with a nice scab on it.  She was so relieved!  Then we went to lunch to celebrate her transition into a walking boot.  I ended up taking a 1.5 hour 'nap' after all of this.  It was NEEDED!

Friday - Hubby and I put together my new 'over the sink' dish drainer.  Even though I have a dishwasher, I still have many pots and pans that are hand wash only.  The drainer next to the sink takes up so much real-estate, I wanted something else so I could have that area back.

I love it!  It opened up my sink area so much.  I am now able to actually work uninhibited in the kitchen.  Wish I had taken a before photo, drat!  We went over to Josie's house that evening for dinner and games.  It was so nice to have some fun with everyone.

Saturday - Hubby and I did our normal food pick up for our food pantry at church.  We had lunch with one of the priest we have become friends with.  After lunch hubby and I went and did some shoe shopping for ourselves.  We each found a very comfy pair of shoes to purchase.  With my arthritic feet, that is no small task.  "Hey Dude" shoes for the win!  Extremely lightweight and stretchy.  After shopping we went to Mass at our priest friend' parish.  To cap off the evening we had dinner with our TX son and DIL.  I think I need to come up with better names for the TX family since they live close to us in AZ now.  Any suggestions?

That brings us to Sunday again.  I have no plans what so ever for today.  There is nothing on my needles or hooks.  I have been like that for 3 days now.  Nothing is inspiring me at the moment.  Maybe I will work on my cross stitch for a while until inspiration strikes.

We are still fairly warm here.  In the high 90's most days.  The mornings are lovely though, so I know cooler temps will be here soon.  Maybe that is why my inspiration is waning.  Anyways.........

Until Next Time.............................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 8, 2023



This has not been a very productive week craft wise.  Let me just give you a 'quick' synopsis of my week in review.

Sunday (after my update) - I made bread, changed the sheets on the bed, stocked our beverage refrigerator, trimmed my basil plant (it died the next day!) and gave my new sourdough starter it's first feeding.

Monday - A glorious cool morning so I took a walk around the neighborhood.  While on that walk I saw this:

It actually made me jump a bit.  Click on the photo to see how real that child looks!  When I got home I tackled a job I had been putting off for a few weeks.  Transplanting three pots of Christmas Cactus into a larger pot.  It is completed and so far they all seem to be thriving in their new home.

This pot is HUGE.  It took 65 quarts of potting soil to get it full.  As I water it more and more I am sure I will be needing to add more soil because it will compact down some.

Tuesday -  Picked up DIL for a 7:30 medical procedure.  It was canceled due to some issues with her blood pressure and pulse.  So, I came home and baked a cake.

Wednesday - Once again picked up DIL for another Dr appointment to find out what was up with her blood pressure and pulse.  Spent over 2 hours at the Dr office getting tests done.  While there, I got my flu shot. Pretty much killed my day.  Josie came over in the evening and had dinner and we sat and talked for quite a while.  I love it when the Grandkids just pop over!

Thursday - I finally got to do laundry and work on some of my crafts.  The sock grew a bit.

The lone DPN is where I was last week. *sigh*  I am not enjoying these socks at all.  Way too boring for my liking.  But I will march on.  I also worked on my cross stitch:

I finished up the pink and blue and am now into the dreaded whites and greys.  No, I am not complaining about it.  It is just hard to see progress when the floss almost matches the cloth.  This project is giving me the most joy right now.  Even though it is slow going, I love doing it.

Friday - Hubby and I did our weekly grocery shopping.  We enjoy doing this together and have lots of laughs while doing it.  I spent some time working on the puzzle, I laid out a few weeks ago.  I find it so relaxing.

Saturday - We picked up food for our church's food bank and delivered it to the church's community center.  Grabbed breakfast burritos from our local mexican food place.  Took a bit of a nap.  Went to Mass and then to our friend's house for a lovely dinner.

Today - I woke up early only to discover my sourdough starter got extra active overnight.  I had starter all over my stove top (thank goodness it is a glass stove top and easy to clean).  It had glued the lid on the crock and was not easy to open it back up.  I got the stove cleaned up and decided to make some crackers with this lovely starter.  Then I put the remaining starter in a clean crock and gave it a feeding (not too much this time).  Crackers are done and I am finished with my week in review.

This coming week looks to be a bit quieter.   In fact, my planner has nothing written on it....Yet.  I know there are a couple of Dr appts I will be taking DIL to.  I am enjoying my time with her.  This gives me the opportunity to get to know her much better.  I am so glad they moved here!

Nothing new on Josh.  Keep up the prayers please!

Until Next Time............................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 1, 2023


 There was not a bunch of crafting going on this week.  So, this will not be a very long post (for a change).

I worked on the Madonna and Child cross stitch.

It is very slow going.  Someday I will have the bottom half of this done and will be able to move to the top half.  Then it might look like something other than waves of color LOL.  I plan on working on this quite a bit today.  Hubby has a meeting at church and will be gone for several hours.  That means quiet time at home for me.

I also worked on more dishcloths.

These are all from the same skein of yarn.  I love how the colors move from one to the other.  There are 5 completed and #6 is on the needles.  I am not sure I will have enough to complete #6 but if not, there is plenty more cotton yarn in my stash to complete it.

And that my friends is all for crafting.  However, I am happy to report, there does not seem to be any 100 degree temps in our immediate forecast.

The next few days are looking grand to be outside.  The end of the week will be lovely in the morning hours.  Perfect for a walk around the neighborhood.

Nothing new on Josh.  He has another consultation on October 16th with the Chief scientific officer/director of neurosurgical oncology at Barrow's Neurological Institute.  He has been waiting for this to happen before he makes any final decisions as to who he will have giving him care and what coarse of action he wants to take.  

That is a wrap for this week.  Hopefully next week I will have something more to most about.

Until Next Time.......................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!