YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 15, 2023



Another week gone another week in review blog post coming to you today.

Sunday - After I blogged last Sunday I baked a cake, did some laundry and worked on my SIL's RCR socks.

Monday - My daughter was on my side of town so we spent the day together.  I took her to Mulqueens.  It is a HUGE fabric store geared towards quilters.  The fabric in there is only the type you would use for quilt tops.  We also went to Bath and Body Works so I could pick up some lovely scented hand soap for my house.  After that we stopped and grabbed a bite of lunch.  Onwards we went, after lunch, to the Mall to look at shoes.  Daughter found a pair that were both comfy and could be worn with skirts/dresses as well as pants.  She is substitute teaching and so needs comfy/nice shoes.  I finished one of the RCR socks and got to work on the second sock again.  There were more sourdough crackers made too.

Tuesday - Hubby cleaned house while I ran and did errands.  I went to UPS, USPS, Sam's Club, Banfield Pet Clinic and the Water Store.  I spent the rest of the day working on the puzzle I started a couple of weeks ago.

I finished it only to discover there was one piece missing.  So frustrating since this was a brand new puzzle!

Wednesday - The cleaning of all the counter tops happened today as well as getting ALL the laundry completed.  I normally do the counter tops when hubby does the floors but since I was out and about yesterday, I got to it today.  I also did some straightening up of 'my area' of the family room.  It is all nice and neat now.  I tried so hard to finish up the second RCR sock today.  I stayed up until 1AM working on it.  

Thursday - I did it!  I finished the second sock and now have a pair of socks for my SIL.  Just in time too as her birthday is this coming Friday!

I finally got to the fun part of the sock when I hit the toe.  You can tell that the blue was a gradient also.  It just did not show up while I was working on them.  Took my TX DIL to her Dr appt to get her cast removed.  Her incision is all healed up with a nice scab on it.  She was so relieved!  Then we went to lunch to celebrate her transition into a walking boot.  I ended up taking a 1.5 hour 'nap' after all of this.  It was NEEDED!

Friday - Hubby and I put together my new 'over the sink' dish drainer.  Even though I have a dishwasher, I still have many pots and pans that are hand wash only.  The drainer next to the sink takes up so much real-estate, I wanted something else so I could have that area back.

I love it!  It opened up my sink area so much.  I am now able to actually work uninhibited in the kitchen.  Wish I had taken a before photo, drat!  We went over to Josie's house that evening for dinner and games.  It was so nice to have some fun with everyone.

Saturday - Hubby and I did our normal food pick up for our food pantry at church.  We had lunch with one of the priest we have become friends with.  After lunch hubby and I went and did some shoe shopping for ourselves.  We each found a very comfy pair of shoes to purchase.  With my arthritic feet, that is no small task.  "Hey Dude" shoes for the win!  Extremely lightweight and stretchy.  After shopping we went to Mass at our priest friend' parish.  To cap off the evening we had dinner with our TX son and DIL.  I think I need to come up with better names for the TX family since they live close to us in AZ now.  Any suggestions?

That brings us to Sunday again.  I have no plans what so ever for today.  There is nothing on my needles or hooks.  I have been like that for 3 days now.  Nothing is inspiring me at the moment.  Maybe I will work on my cross stitch for a while until inspiration strikes.

We are still fairly warm here.  In the high 90's most days.  The mornings are lovely though, so I know cooler temps will be here soon.  Maybe that is why my inspiration is waning.  Anyways.........

Until Next Time.............................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. What a great idea about the over the sink dish drainer. I'm definitely going to have to get one for our Florida rental as there is very little counter space there!! Even using rinse aid in my dishwasher, my mug bottoms still have water in them that has to be emptied and then let the mug dry a bit. Too bad about the missing puzzle piece. I love the picture of the puzzle. Think of you and your son as he gets more info on his brain treatment options.

  2. Whew - what a busy week you had! I have also recently discovered Hey Dude shoes and love them. Good shoes are very important to me as a teacher who is on her feet for a vast portion of everyday. Sign up on their website and they send you various sale notifications, etc. This might be how I now own 3 different pairs of Hey Dudes:)

  3. That sounds like a really busy week. Hood find on the drainer, I do love a nice home organisation tool! The weather has just turned cooler here so it is feeling like autumn for the first time this year.

  4. Over the sink dish drainer! I never heard of that! I think that would save me a lot of space too. I'm going to look into it, thanks for posting that Marsha! ♥

  5. I hope you find a project to inspire you and I wonder where the puzzle piece is??? crazy!

  6. It sounds as though you had a lovely time with your daughter. I love fabric stores! And followed by a very productive week, I'm so glad you managed to finish the socks.

  7. That's frustrating about missing puzzle piece. Sounds like a busy week, you could call them XTX...as the are ex-Texas lol. It does help us know who it is though, not Josie's folks. What about looking at your list for the year. Not that I am sticking to mine well. liz

  8. I have never seen a dish drainer like that! I think I need to see dishes in it to fully believe it. :D


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