YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, September 16, 2012

I've got pictures!!!

 I told you last week that I would have some pictures this week and I do.  I am so glad too.  I know I love to see pictures when I read blogs and I assume others do too.  In fact one of my followers told me last week that she wanted pictures and I aim to please.

 Here is the photo of my first ever DPN sock.  I do enjoy doing it this way but I still like the magic loop method too.  So I am happy I have the option now.  This is going to be just a plain vanilla sock.  I didn't want to do anything too crazy for my first time plus the colors of the yarn seem to give it plenty of interest.  The yarn is Panda Cotton. 

 Here is the shawl I started with my sequined yarn.  It is interesting to work with and there is not a photo in the world that will do it justice.
Here is the Color Affection Shawl.  I am on the border and loving it more and more as it comes to a finish.  I still have about a 1.5 inches left on the border and then the grand bind off.

It has been very hectic at work so there has not been much knitting in the evenings as my hands are just too darn tired and sore to even think about picking up needles.  This will continue for the next month but I will do my best to at least try and finish a these three things in the very near future.

Here is how the list looks now:

Year Of Projects 2012-2013

Use up all cotton yarn for dishcloths 
Complete 3 project bags
Complete LaLa Shawl
Complete Comfort Cancer ribbon shawl
Complete Color Affection Shawl
Frilly scarf
2 blooming pillows
Use up 1/2 of sock yarn

Finished items
1 project bag
2/3 of cotton yarn

That is all for this week.

Happy Crafting!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Back on the wagon

I am back on the wagon with my YOP posting.  I had to take a couple of weeks off because of personal scheduling issues.

You want to hear about them?  Really?  How sweet of you.

August 24-26 saw hubby and I at a Marian Conference here in Scottsdale (Arizona).  It is a fantastic conference and we go every year that it is given.  We learn so much about our faith and take back a lot of knowledge.  It is also a time when I can take my knitting/crocheting with me and work on it.  This year I had told you I was going to take my cancer ribbon shawl to complete.  But alas, I realized I would be looking at the pattern all the time and I needed mindless knitting.  So I took cotton yarn with me and worked on dishcloths.   I only managed to get 3 1/2 done but that is more than when I left for the conference.

Then we hit September.  Hubby and I were very busy that weekend painting our family room ceiling (YUCK!) and the walls in there.  We have ordered our flooring and it should be here in a couple of weeks so we HAD to get the painting done first.  The ordering of the flooring and the painting took up the entire day AND night of Saturday.  Sunday we had Family day and I must say I have an amazing Family.  My son and his wife came over and helped us rearrange our family room (just the way I wanted it).  It took us a couple of hours to complete all that and then it was time for rest and relaxation.

Did I knit during that week...............kind of.  Remember that pretty red yarn I showed you the last time I posted pictures?  Well, I took y'alls advice and cast on the shawl.  I had done about 10 rows when I decided my gauge was way too small.  So I frogged it and went up 3 needle sizes.  I love the way it is turning out now and I have completed the first 3 sections of it.

This past weekend saw hubby and I at an EWTN family conference here in town (Phoenix).  It was FREE and absolutely wonderful.  It is only on the road every other year and we figured it will a looooong time before it comes back to Arizona.  We got to see lots of the folks we see on EWTN all the time and it was quite informative and educational.  I also got to knit during that conference.  Started working on a sock on double points!  This is my first attempt with socks on DPNs and so far so good.

I did manage to finish the other fingerless mitt and I have put on several rows on the CA shawl and should be able to finish that soon.  I only need about 20 more rows so that means 6 - 7 more hours on that.  LOL  So I am working through the stash and have accomplished a bit on my YOP list.

Next week I should be able to put up pictures and my list.

Happy Crafting !