YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Update for Week 48..........Kind of.


This post will be very photo heavy and word light.  Let's go!

Josies graduation party was last Sunday afternoon.

I took these at the start of the party.  It was very well attended.  A long afternoon for us old folks though LOL.

This past Friday there was a birthday party for me.  My birthday isn't until June 1 but since 90% of the people I wanted to come were going to be gone then, we celebrated a week early.

So many friends and family.  There were about 30 people there.  There was a yummy taco bar.

A fabulous cake

And tons of flowers that are sitting on my dining room table right now.

I have decided 70 isn't all that old after all!  We partied from 6 until the place closed around 10 or 11.  Yet we got up the next morning at 5:30 to do our food pick up for our church's food bank.

Oh wait!  This is supposed to be my YOP update.  Well.....................it is very sad.

Only one pattern repeat for the whole week.  Just having way too much fun to sit and knit.  This coming week will be about as bad.  I am dog sitting for my BFF.  That means feeding her pups (3 of them) twice a day as well as staying with them for a little while to give out lots of pets and cuddles.  That started last night and will go until next Saturday afternoon.  Taking people to the Airport Monday.  I have a RA Dr appt Tuesday.  My car is going in for normal maintenance on Wednesday.  Enrique needs a bath as well as getting his nails clipped sometime this week.  Hubby is leaving town for a conference Thursday.  Taking my DIL to a Dr appointment on Friday.   Also on Friday my daughter is coming over to spend the night so she can help me with food pick up on Saturday morning. Saturday afternoon I have an airport run to pick up Josie and her family from their trip to Disney World as well as Mass. Sunday Hubby comes home.  Not a lot of down time for knitting.

So, what's new with you?

Until Next Time.....................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 21, 2023



I have quite a bit to show and talk about today.  So just sit back and enjoy the show.

Here is the shawl.  I did not show it last week so what you see is two weeks of knitting.

It is very slow going now.  I have 325 stitches on the needles and it increases by 4 every other row.  There are 6 rows in each pattern repeat.  I am on repeat #26 and need to go to repeat #37 before doing the 8 row edging and bind off.  Hopefully this will be done by the end of June.  I do not want to carry this over into next years YOP!

I got some treasures in the mail.  Leading Men Fibers had a dating game sale.  They had quite a few single skeins of yarn and needed to sell them to make room for more yarn.  All you get to do is select the fiber content and weight of yarn you want.  That's it.  Then they select the yarn color and you get a surprise when you receive it.

Let me tell you, I was very surprised as well as pleased.  

I would never picked out the green yarn.  Yet, I think I am going to enjoy using it.  Either all by itself or as contrast for heels and toes.  The other yarn, I would have picked.  

Look at all those fun colors in this yarn.  Leading Men Fibers always offers free winding services of their yarn.  I declined as I knew if they had it all wound up for me, I would be tempted to start another project.  Both of these skeins are 75% superwash merino and 25% nylon called Show Stopper.  I have used this yarn before and really like the way it knits up with great stitch definition.  It also seems to soften up as I knit with it.  Hubby really likes both of the colorways and was even kind of excited to think of getting some green socks.

Last Sunday we took off and went to Payson.  It is about an hour north of us in the mountains.  Temps there were much cooler and we enjoyed the break from our heat that has already come upon us.  We had a lovely hotel room........actually it turned out to be a suite!  Being it was in a casino, we were able to do a little bit of slot machine play.  Not much though as we really just enjoyed being in our room and enjoying the cool fresh air on the balcony.

We did go out for dinner at a local Mexican food restaurant.  The décor inside made me happy.

This was the artwork on the side of the booth I sat on.  It is carved in the wood and then painted.

This was the one on hubby's side.

The back of a chair across from us.  This one you can see the carving.  They were all made in Mexico.  I was greatly impressed by the workman ship.

This was the top of our table.  It is not carved but the painting was awesome.  The food was excellent too.

When we got home I realized I needed to make some bread.  Sourdough has been my go to for the past few weeks.  This time I tried my hand at a small loaf and used pumpernickel flour along with the white bread flour.

It turned out perfect.  Just the right size for the two of us to eat in a few days time.  Next time I am going to make this in my mini loaf pans.

I think it will fit nicely in 2 of them.  Stand by for results next week.

Lastly..........................I have been on YOP since it started over 12 years ago.  At that time, my grand daughter, Josie was just graduating from Kindergarten.  Fast forward to this past week. She has officially graduated from High School!  Yes, my friends, she has grown up on us.  She has already enrolled in classes for community college this fall,

Where did the time go?  We have her graduation party this afternoon.  We are very proud of her and all she has accomplished in her 17 years on this earth.

We only have one more grand child to graduate from high school.  That should happen around December this year.  

Next Sunday, I will be posting photos of a couple of parties that are happening this week.  Josie's Graduation and my birthday.  No................my birthday is not until June 1 but......We are doing it early because of people traveling over Memorial day week.  

Until Next Time.........................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 14, 2023

My Mother's Hands

One day, while doing some work around the house, I looked down and what did I see?  My mother's hands.  The photo above is an actual photo of my Mother's hands.  It was kind of eerie seeing my mom's hands at the end of my arms.  But then, I remembered all the things my mother's hands had done over the 90 years she was alive.

They milked cows, helped with farm chores, churned butter, washed clothes in a wringer washer, scrubbed wooden floors, sewed her wedding dress, held hands with my dad, changed diapers, held us until we went to sleep, wiped tears away, cuddled her children grand children and great grand children, healed boo-boos, nursed us when we were sick, did office work, learned to use a computer, sewed my clothes, knit, baked goodies, cooked meals, and folded them in prayer.

During her last years of life, she enjoyed just holding our hands and giving bear hugs with those hands.

Our last Mother's Day with Mom.

So, the next time I look down and see my Mother's hands, I will be thankful for all she did for me.  I will be thankful for all the years I had with her.  I will be thankful to be able to remember all the joys she gave me.  I will be thankful she was MY mom.

Until next time................................Be Thankful!  

Happy Mothers Day!!!!

Sunday, May 7, 2023



What a week!  It was jammed pack with activity.  Our weather cooled off for a few days so I was outside as well as inside.  This week should be pleasant too.  I am looking forward to being able to go out without melting.  Not sure how long this will last but will soak it in while I can.  This is very unusual for us to be this mild in May.  Yes, we have hit 100 plus already this year but only for a few days.  I will take the 80's and low 90's any time I can get it.

But, you did not show up here to get a weather report.  Let's see what happened in my world this week.

I did work on the shawl this week but didn't pick it up until Wednesday!  And then I only worked on it on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday!  So here is where I am at now.

I just started pattern repeat #21.  The bottom edging doesn't start until after repeat #37.  I now know why starting a shawl at the top is such a wise idea.  Those first rows go so quickly when there are only 25 stitches on them.  I am at 269 stitches now.  That takes a bit of time to do.  This is also fingering weight yarn and has a huge tendency to split if not careful. (100% cotton)  But, this is still my favorite shawl pattern and I will make it again and again as it really does give me just enough warmth on those cool days when a sweater is just too much.

That is all for knitting/crocheting.  I did do other things that were new to me.

I made a loaf (boule) of sourdough beer bread.  It uses only 4 ingredients in it.  Sourdough starter, bread flour, beer and salt.  It does take up to 12 hours before baking can be done but it is well worth the time.  There really is very little effort in it.  I just fed my starter this morning and will try and get this ready to mix up today and the bake it first thing in the morning.  Hubby loved this loaf!  He is not a huge bread eater but, this loaf got every last crumb eaten!  Normally I end up throwing out half a loaf of my bread machine bread.

We cooked on our Blackstone griddle a few times this week.  I LOVE it!  This is a photo of the Carne Asada Tacos we made on it.

They were so yummy!  The meat was cooked on the Blackstone then I threw the tortillas on it, filled them with yummy cheese and let it melt.  Then put the meat and fixings on tip.  Ta-Da.  All cooked in about 15 minutes!  And no heat in the kitchen.  All done outside.  This is my kind of cooking.  Between the flat top griddle (Blackstone) and our wood pellet grill/smoker (Traeger), not much cooking will be done in the house other than baking.  Also, my baking is usually done in my counter top french door oven (Oster ).  It keeps the heat down in the kitchen too.  I also have an induction burner that I use if I have to cook something on the stove top.  No heat from induction cooking either.

Enrique had a vet appointment this week.  Poor little guy has some arthritis in one of his back knees.  He also has gained a little over 2 pounds which needs to come off. The vet was kind enough to tell me how many Kcal he can have a day.  Now I know and have adjusted his daily feedings to match that.  He was not too happy the first couple of days but he has already adjusted to the reduced food.  It wasn't much of a reduction.  Only about a teaspoons worth.  Since Luna passed away, he has not been nearly as active.  Hence the weight gain.

I had my routine blood work done for my RA Doc this week.  It came back the best it has ever been.  100% normal!  Yessssssssss!  But then I developed a rash and had to go to my primary care Dr.  Well, I had an appointment anyway and this just happened to show up the day I went.  Contact dermatitis and we have no idea what from.  It is in a place covered by clothing so both the Dr and I are baffled.  He put me on meds and it is starting to dissipate. 

I did lots of errand running this week. You know like normal folks do.  There was the grocery store, water store, pharmacy, and Sam's Club.  There were also loads of laundry done as well as house cleaning.  On Saturday morning, hubby and I go and pick up food from one of our local grocers for our church's food bank.  Here is what the back of my SUV looked like this week.

We pick up from produce, deli, frozen, bakery and meat departments.  I could not even see out of my back window.  Last week we only had about 3 boxes. 
There are two other people that pick up food also on Saturday.  We all got quite a bit this week.  I love it when the car gets filled.  That means there will be lots of full tummies this coming week.  

Not sure if I will be posting next week.  Maybe.  Depends.  It is Mother's Day here in the US.  My kids were going to have us all come over for a special day.  I cancelled it!  I have one Daughter in Law who has a broken rib and is in horrible pain.  Another Daughter in Law is having surgery this week and is going to be in horrible pain afterwards (trust me, I know what she is having done and it isn't gonna be pain free)  The son who was going to have the dinner has his in laws staying with him for the next few weeks.  Then we have graduation, 2 birthday parties, and a graduation party all happening in the next 3 weeks.  It is all just too much.  So I cancelled everyone's plans.  Not one person was upset either!  I know my kids love me for being their mom.  I do not need a special day on the calendar to have them show me their love.  So...................Hubby made reservations for us to go up to the mountains and spend the night in one of the casinos there.  We have a friend up there we have not seen for many years and would like to reconnect with her too.  It will be nice to have a little get away for the two of us.  And, no one needs to cook!

WARNING!!!!!!!  The next couple of paragraphs are kind of downers.  If you do not want to read them I understand.  Just scoot on down to the comment area and leave a comment.  I needed to write about the 'sadder' things from this week.  It helps me heal if I get it out of my head and down in writing.  I will leave you with a darling picture of my "boy".  He sleeps like this all the time and I find his little pink tongue peeking out adorable.

This is all the good news for this week!

Until Next Time............................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!

My daughter had one of her dogs cross the rainbow bridge early Friday morning.  He was one of the goofiest dogs I had ever met.  It was unexpected and my heart hurts for her.  Having just gone through it myself, I know how sad it makes a person.  Her three other dogs don't seem to miss him too much which it a good thing for them.  This dog was her best buddy so I know she is missing him terribly.  

We lost someone to Suicide this week.  I am totally shocked and completed baffled as to why.  No warning signs at all.  The family left behind is beyond devastated.  I can not even imagine the pain and agony they are in.  The worse part is, it happened at home with the family in the other room!  The trauma of finding your loved one......I can not even begin to know the pain, anguish, shock and horror.  This is the second friend we have known to do this.  So heart wrenching.  Please, if you are a praying person, send some prayers of healing and comfort up for this family that is left behind.  Thank you.  

May peace and joy be with you this coming week.