YOP LIST 2023-2024

Sunday, May 14, 2023

My Mother's Hands

One day, while doing some work around the house, I looked down and what did I see?  My mother's hands.  The photo above is an actual photo of my Mother's hands.  It was kind of eerie seeing my mom's hands at the end of my arms.  But then, I remembered all the things my mother's hands had done over the 90 years she was alive.

They milked cows, helped with farm chores, churned butter, washed clothes in a wringer washer, scrubbed wooden floors, sewed her wedding dress, held hands with my dad, changed diapers, held us until we went to sleep, wiped tears away, cuddled her children grand children and great grand children, healed boo-boos, nursed us when we were sick, did office work, learned to use a computer, sewed my clothes, knit, baked goodies, cooked meals, and folded them in prayer.

During her last years of life, she enjoyed just holding our hands and giving bear hugs with those hands.

Our last Mother's Day with Mom.

So, the next time I look down and see my Mother's hands, I will be thankful for all she did for me.  I will be thankful for all the years I had with her.  I will be thankful to be able to remember all the joys she gave me.  I will be thankful she was MY mom.

Until next time................................Be Thankful!  

Happy Mothers Day!!!!


  1. Beautiful tribute. My mom only made it to 63 years old so it feels weird to be older than my mom ever got to live. I see her face when I look in the mirror.

  2. Liz here..what beautiful words to cherish the memory of your mother and all she did.

  3. What lovely words and sentiment. The older I get the more I see my mother looking back at me when I catch my reflection.

  4. This is beautiful, Marcia. Like the others above, I see my mother more and more when I look in the mirror - though I probably take after my dad more. My fingernails are more stubby like dad's and I have freckles like him (I think I'm the only sibling who freckles), and I have dad's nose. My siblings seem to look more like mom (as did my brother). I find it both odd and comforting to look at my sisters and see remnants of our mom.

  5. beautiful! I look more like my mother as I age, sometimes it takes me by surprise when i look in the mirror.

  6. Beautiful words. X
    I used to look more like my dad , but I look more and more like my mum as time goes by.


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