YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Looky who got her haircut!  Josie finished her dance recital on Saturday the 19th and on Tuesday the 22nd she got to get her haircut.  She has been asking for short hair for about 6 months but because of dance she needed to have it long.  She is so excited about the new do.

Today is my Grandson, Jadin's, 10th birthday.  Doesn't seem like it was that long ago.  I got to have the priviledge of being in the room when he was born.  What a miracle birth is. 

On the crafting front...................I started a new knitting class on Tuesday.  I am doing a beanie with the magic loop method.  I have not decided if I like it or not yet.  Jury is out but next tuesday is the final class so will let you know after that.

I still have 2 prayer shawls on the needles and one prayer shawl on a hook.  I have a pair of socks on needles too.  So I am still busy switching between projects and love it.

We get to have Josie this weekend so we have decided to take her to her first circus.  Ringling brothers is in town so we are going Saturday morning.  We are going to take the new Lightrail into town and that should be exciting for her too.  So it will be a very adventurous day for all of us.  I am so excited and can not wait to see her face when she finds out where she is going.  Mom and Dad have been kind enough not to tell her for us.

Then on Monday Josie begins her swimming lessons.  We were going to do them last summer but time got away from us.  So this year we finally found a time that mom and dad would be able to go with her.  I hope she learns quickly as she only has 4 weeks of lessons and then they close them down to get the pools ready for the beginning of school.

We will be traveling to TX in a couple of weeks and I can hardly wait to see my grandsons.  I saw them at Christmas time but I really miss them a lot!  I don't know what we will be doing with them this time.  Each time we visit we try and take them to something that they really want to do or see.  So I told them to start thinking hard since we will be there soon.

Other than that life is normal for us.  (I love normal!)

Have a great crafty day/week.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Can you believe it has been 2 weeks since I last posted?  Sure you can because you know my past history. HAHAHA!

So let me catch you up a bit.

I celebrated my birthday with out much fuss.  I managed to slip into another year and now I am getting closer and closer to my next decade mark.  How did that happen?  I don't feel my age, and I hope I don't act my age either.  I still feel like a 30 something person.  Well, most of the time I do.

I continue to knit and crochet away on my prayer shawls and socks.  I have not taken anymore pictures of the prayer shawls because the knitted ones are kind of all bunched up on the circulars so they are kind of hard to get any kind of idea of how they look.  The socks are coming along but I don't think they will be done real quick.  I just have too many projects going at once.   But I like having several things in progress at the same time.  That way I have a choice of what I work on.  If I get bored with one I can switch to another and so on. 

It was kind of sad this week.  My son and his wife here in town had to finally surrender their dog to the humane society.  She had severe separation anxiety and had done a lot of damage to their home and their possesions.  She was such a loving dog and so good with their child and cat but she just had this one little problem.  They had it set up where she could not get into the house by putting a crate infront of her doggie door.  That way she could go into the crate during the day to get out of the blistering Arizona heat and yet still go outside to relieve herself.  Seems like one evening she learned how to bounce the crate around so she could get it to move and she managed to get out of the crate and managed to "enjoy" her freedom in the house for several hours.  Needless to say that was the last straw.  They had tried just about everything other than medication and they refused to medicate her.  I don't blame them.  She needs a nice  farm to live on where she can run all day and sleep all night.  So we pray that she will find a wonderful family to live with.

Next week will be quite busy for us here.  Our son and one of my DH's brothers are coming in for a short visit on Wednesday and leaving again on Saturday.  They are coming down for the Iron Maiden concert and as a bonus they will get to go to our granddaughters dance recital.  We will be plenty busy with them here.  The house will be full but that is fine.  Next week is also my DH's birthday.  I plan on making sure his does not go by to quietly.  I have not decided what I am going to do to for him yet but will make it memorable.

This weekend I will be busy sewing about 6" of material into my son's "dance" costume.  He is performing a daddy/daughter dance and his costume is made for a 5'10" man and he is 6'1".  He said it kind of hurts to put his arms over his head.  You think?

Last week I also purchased a cone of black thread.  It is not real fine but not real course either.  I am going to try and crochet mantillas/chapel veils out of it.  I am looking like crazy for a pattern but so far have not seen anything that strikes me as Mass appropiate.  If you have any suggestions please leave them in the comment section.  I am looking at doily patterns that would be about 30" round or doily patterns that could be "cut" in half.  I would really appreciate any help you could give me.

That is it for this week and probably next.  So have a great couple of weeks and will check back after all the company leaves.