YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, February 28, 2010


I can not believe I own this much yarn. I decided today that I would reorganize my craft room. I emptied 10 storage tubs of yarn! I bought these cubby units at WalMart a couple of weeks ago just for this purpose. I decided if I could see the yarn then maybe I would use it and quit buying duplicates of it. I had no idea I had this much.

In the white unit is all my sock yarn. Let me inform you the yarn is stacked four high and three deep. So this might give you an idea of why I was so amazed. The bottom cubbies are filled with my beading supplies too.

The "walnut" units contain, homespun, jiffy, caron eco, red heart super saver, fancy fur, boa, mohair delight and TLC. Now before you go and wrinkle your nose at the amount of acrylic yarn I have let me inform you I am allergic to wool so the only wool I have in my stash is sock yarn and then not too much of that either. Also I make a lot of prayer shawls and wool is not an acceptable product because of the allergies known to it.

So needless to say I am on a yarn diet until this stash goes down significantly. I imposed this diet on myself. DH did not even mention it and infact was quite surprised when I told him what I was going to do. But he didn't argue with me about it either. LOL

So now that room is finished I can happily go in there and sew, bead and grap yarn without feeling like I have to close my eyes to do it.

Well better go and get back to knitting the socks for DH.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. I also found 8 UFO's in there. SO I guess before I start another project I will finish what I already have on my needles/hooks.

Have a great Sunday!

Friday, February 26, 2010


This is just a quick note to let all of you know that tomorrow is the 3rd anniversary of my blog.

I know lots of people that have anniversaries on their blogs give away free gifts.

I was going to do that here but I don't know if anyone reads this blog other than my daughter and my friend Bev. And since I can give them a gift anytime I want I didn't see a reason to list a give away.

I do have lots of yarn that I would love to gift to someone so if I do find out anyone else reads this blog I would be happy to send you a little something. In fact I could send you enough to make a nice prayer shawl!

To qualify for the give away all you have to do is in the comment section tell me your favorite knitting/crochet pattern that you make and what type of yarn you use to make it.

Have a great day!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Can't believe it!

OUR COMPUTOR IS FIXED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the only problem is...........I have not taken any pictures of the lastest projectst that I have finished and they have all gone to their respective owners.(not to mention I am posting this at my office and there is not way to download my camera here) Darn it! So I will just tell you what I have done.

I have made 4 hats but they really are cool. If you google "turning a square hat" you will be able to see the hat that I have been making. I have made 3 for women and 1 for a man. I love this pattern and it is quick and easy to do. I can finish one in an evening no problem.

I have made 2 sets of mittens and if you google "peekaboo mittens" you will see that pattern that I have made. They also are quick to do. I can do a mitten a day! I love quick projects that look like they took a long time to do.

I have also done 2 scarves and am designing a third now. I don't like plain scarves so I find stitches I like and then put them together for a unique look.

I also have made 4 necklaces, 3 bracelets and 3 pairs of earrings that will be auctioned off this weekend for our Catholic schools "Mardi Gras" fund raiser. I will be anxious to see what they go for.

I have also found a shawl pattern I want to make for myself and I know it will take a long time to complete but I think it will be one of those projects that you work on for a while and then lay down and do a quick project and then pick it up again etc. If you google "shipwreck shawl" you will see a lovely picture of it. I have not decided what color I am going to do it in yet but will need to make that decisioin soon as I have a nice discount at our LYS until the end of April. Now you might be asking yourself why does she get a nice discount there. The reason is............................................................ I have signed up to take a magic loop sock class. I know I have made several pairs of socks using the magic loop method but I am just not comfortable with it yet and am hoping by taking this class I will get all my bugs worked out! So that is how I got the discount on yarn. Sweet!

On the home front, my DH has finally retired and is really retired this time. It is nice to have him home again and not have to watch him run himself into the ground by being at the office 50-60 hours a week. That was crazy. But I am very proud of him as he managed to get a lot of things accomplished for the church in the 2 years he worked there. He is leaving today to go to Vegas to see his mom so he will be truly on vacation this time!

Not much else to tell all of you.

If any of you have a great pattern that is needing to be knitted or crocheted please let me know. I am really in the yarn mode right now and love trying new patterns.

God Bless!