YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Lost Wages/Las Vegas

We just returned last night from a nice 4 day three night stay in Las Vegas. My DH and I went and took my Mom along with us. We had an absolutely wonderful time. Mom and I played a lot of penny slots and my DH did some black jack at the tables.

We saw my in laws while there and really enjoyed a good visit with them. Our son, Daugher in law and Grand Daughter were there the same time too so we got to really have a good time with everyone.

We saw the Fremont experience light show Sunday night and actually drove all the way down the Strip to show my Mom how much it had changed in over 20 years. She loved all of it. We are truly blessed that at 79.5 yrs she is still in good enough health that she can travel with us and her mind is as sharp as can be. (Especally at those slots!)

I finally got my Crazy Toes & Heels book and spent the entire 4.5 hour drive up there reading and comprehending this fantastic way to knit socks. I spent the 5.5 hours on the way home knitting two pair of toe up socks using the magic loop method. I almost got the toe done.

Now I know you are all wondering why it took us an hour longer to get home than to get there. (NO! My DH did not have his foot thru the floor!) We hit some wicked rain about 1.5 hours away from home and it really slowed us down as the roads here in Arizona get really slick when it rains. You see, we have to keep our roads oiled because of our extreme tempuratures in the summer so when it rains it is like driving on ice. Then there was that rush hour traffice we hit when we got to town!

Anyway...........I am so excited about the sock. After working on them for that length of time I can now understand why everyone is raving about knitting socks. I can see where this will become an addiction for me. I have enough sock yarn to do about 9 pairs of socks so I am really going to be having some fun.

But alas, I still have to finish the crocheted chair cover for my mom so will put the socks away for a few days until that is finished and then I can work on the socks without too much guilt.

Oh!!!!!!!!!!! I did manage to come home with more money than I went up with too! YEA ME!!!!!!

We will be leaving again in a couple of weeks for a nice vacation to Chicago to visit our son, his wife and the 4 grand sons. My mom is going with us there too and she has never met the youngest one and he just turned 4 last week. So she is really excited about and so are the grands.

I hope you all are having a wonderful day and enjoying your crafting!

OOPS!!!!!!!! Forgot to tell you that my Mom was knitting in the car with me! She is making a blanket and she has not knitted for YEARS!!!!! So it was kind of fun to be doing that together.

Ok, I am going now...........you all be good!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Stuff to show you

I told all of you that we had been to South Carolina last month. This is a picture of one of the plantations we visited. This is Magnolia Plantation and the grounds and house were absolutely gorgeous. I think I could have spent an entire day there, but we only got a couple of hours since we had seminars to attend. My DH and I have decided that this is a place we will come back to for vacation sometime. The people were so friendly and it was one of the cleanest towns we had ever been to.

This is the cover for my Mom's recliner I have been working on. I also made arm covers to match but did not get a picture of them. She was thrilled with them and got a good laugh from the message also. When I was growing up my Grandmother had a recliner. ( I think she got one of the first ones ever made. LOL) When any of us 26 grankids saw her coming we would yell "here comes Grandma, get out of her throne". So my mom remembered well this event and she laughed when she saw that she now had a "throne" too.

Here is a prayer shawl I just completed and gave to a dear friend of mine. She had a baby on June 1st (my birthday) and he is a sweety. Unfortunately we have since found out he has Down's Syndrome. Well, if any of you know me that does not make any difference to me as this is still a child of God. The hard part is, he is in the hospital right now with severe breathing problems. So I thought his Mama could use a little something for comfort right now and presented this to her today. I had started this when I first found out she was pregnant but never finished it. When I heard baby Noah was in the hospital I finished it up in one evening. Please keep Noah and his family in your prayers.

Finally I leave you with one reason you do not let a 23 month old child dress themselves! This is our Grand daughter who will be 2 on August 1st. My DH watches during the day while her parents are at work. He has a blast with her and she loves to "dress up". So this is what she came out of her room wearing the other day. She is a delight to be around but boy can she wear us "old" people out by the end of a day.

So you are all caught up to date on my life now. As for crafting......I have ordered a book to learn how to make 2 socks at one time on one or two circular needles. I am going to learn this method when we drive to Las Vegas this month. I figure that gives me about 6 hours each way and I should learn something in that lenght of time.

Oh yes.............I forgot to tell you.............I had to take a test when I was in South Carolina for my medical coding certification. Well, I passed it with flying colors! Yea me!

That is it for now. Have a great weekend.