YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Update for Week 48..........Kind of.


This post will be very photo heavy and word light.  Let's go!

Josies graduation party was last Sunday afternoon.

I took these at the start of the party.  It was very well attended.  A long afternoon for us old folks though LOL.

This past Friday there was a birthday party for me.  My birthday isn't until June 1 but since 90% of the people I wanted to come were going to be gone then, we celebrated a week early.

So many friends and family.  There were about 30 people there.  There was a yummy taco bar.

A fabulous cake

And tons of flowers that are sitting on my dining room table right now.

I have decided 70 isn't all that old after all!  We partied from 6 until the place closed around 10 or 11.  Yet we got up the next morning at 5:30 to do our food pick up for our church's food bank.

Oh wait!  This is supposed to be my YOP update.  Well.....................it is very sad.

Only one pattern repeat for the whole week.  Just having way too much fun to sit and knit.  This coming week will be about as bad.  I am dog sitting for my BFF.  That means feeding her pups (3 of them) twice a day as well as staying with them for a little while to give out lots of pets and cuddles.  That started last night and will go until next Saturday afternoon.  Taking people to the Airport Monday.  I have a RA Dr appt Tuesday.  My car is going in for normal maintenance on Wednesday.  Enrique needs a bath as well as getting his nails clipped sometime this week.  Hubby is leaving town for a conference Thursday.  Taking my DIL to a Dr appointment on Friday.   Also on Friday my daughter is coming over to spend the night so she can help me with food pick up on Saturday morning. Saturday afternoon I have an airport run to pick up Josie and her family from their trip to Disney World as well as Mass. Sunday Hubby comes home.  Not a lot of down time for knitting.

So, what's new with you?

Until Next Time.....................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful week and a wonderful week to come. How fortunate to have family nearby. The knitting can wait. I often wonder what I did wrong that my kids live so far away.

  2. Liz here… happy birthday Marsha for Thursday. What a fun time you had last week, tulips are my favourite flowers so I love seeing those. Sounds like another busy week ahead, enjoy.

  3. I was tired just reading all that you are doing and going to be doing! LOL! Happy Birthday!!! I am 4 years older and I do work around here a lot but I take a lot of "breaks" too! Have a wonderful birthday week!

  4. Oh, congrats to Josie too on her graduation!

  5. happy birthday to you!!! Congrats to Josie and her graduation - growing up so fast!

  6. A belated Happy Birthday to you, Marsha! How terrific that you could celebrate with so many of your friends and family. And Congratulations on Josie's graduation. She has grown up so quickly!


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