YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 22, 2023


 Another week has flown by.  It was a good week, overall.  I did do a bit of crocheting this week for a change of pace.

It was time to do another prayer shawl.  Once again, I used the ever popular 'To The Point' pattern.

The yarn is called Shimmer by Red Heart.  I think it might be discontinued.  This yarn has been in my stash for YEARS.  It is one of the softest yarns Red Heart makes.

Those white specks are actually little shimmering stands of yarn wound in with the 'normal' yarn and gives a lovely light shimmer to the shawl.  With the big three holidays coming up, I thought it would be nice to make a little more glamourous shawl for someone going through a tough time.

I got a sweet text from my SIL who lives in Colorado.  She received her socks this week.  They even managed to arrive on her actual birthday.

She loves them.  I am sure they will be loved with the cold weather coming there soon.  

No other crafting was done and I am once again trying to think of what I would like to do next.  It was suggested to look at my YOP list.  Well, I did not list specific items to be worked on only general categories to add items to.  I am sure something will strike my fancy soon.

Ninety percent of this past week was actually a normal week for me.  There was laundry, grocery shopping, menu planning and general housework.  It felt good to kind of be back to normal again.

Here is a post my son did this week about what is going on with him.

OK, for all of my friends and family I have not spoken to in person, I am sorry. So many to update and so little time. I know there have been questions about some of my posts recently, and concern about what is happening at the Price house.   


Here it is, on August 30th I was called by my doctor with results of an MRI I had taken due to some disorientation and dizzy spells. On that day he informed me that I have a brain tumor. He could not say what it was or what it meant. We have since been doing testing and consults at both the Mayo Clinic and Barrows Neurological Institute. As of today, we have decided to move forward with a biopsy at Barrows on November 2nd. This will tell us what the lesion is, and what next steps need to be taken. There is nothing more I can report than that at the moment.


All we can ask from our friends and family is for your prayers, love and support. We are doing everything we can to remain positive and hopeful for the best results possible from this biopsy. 


Since there are so many of you to update, I will post more on facebook as information becomes available. Thank you all for being patient with me and our updates as this will remain a fluid situation for a month.

So, we sit and wait again.  Once the needle biopsy is done, it will be about 7-10 days before the results are back.  Again with the sit and wait.  I will keep you all updated as we are updated.

And now, I leave you with something I see each evening around 5pm.

He is trying to let me know he is starving and hasn't eaten in MANY days!  Little pudgy liar.  He eats twice a day and gets a little doggie treat at bed time.  Most spoiled dog ever!

Until Next Time......................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The shawl is lovely and everyone can use a little shimmer in their life. Thank you for the update on your son. Prayers and good thoughts being sent your way.
    I loved the picture of the dog. our cat is the same way - she acts like we never supply her with food, treats or even water. She is especially vocal about her conditions when guests come over.

  2. Sitting and waiting is so hard, my thoughts are with you all. “Little pudgy liar” 😂 yes they are particularly good at thisI have never been fed game. Don’t give in! Lovely shawl.

  3. How sweet of your SIL to send you a picture of her wearing her birthday socks. It's always nice to know our knitting gifts are appreciated. I will continue to send positive thoughts for your son's prognosis.

  4. Thank you for the update! I am praying daily for your son. Frodo stares us down from 7:45 pm thinking it's time to go to bed...He is persistent as he ages.

  5. I guess I didn't realize that shawl was crocheted. It's lovely with that yarn and it will delight the receiver! You are so generous with y our time and your talents. I'm sure your SIL will appreciate her socks when the winds blow this winter in Colorado! Glad to hear your son is staying positive and that there is a date as to when things will move forward and you all will get some answers. I continue to pray for you and your family daily.

  6. The shawl is beautiful and I'm sure will be appreciated by whoever recieves it. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

  7. My thoughts are with you and your family. Looks like the socks are a great fit on your SIL. I’m sure someone will really appreciate the little bit of sparkle in their shawl to brighten their day. Have you made one of these shawls for yourself.

  8. I so understand how difficult (and time consuming) it can be to keep friends and family updated on a health issue. Writing a group message was a great idea. I will continue to pray for your son's biopsy.


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