YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, January 1, 2017

YOP Week 27

Happy 2017!  Did you manage to stay awake to see the New Year arrive?  Hubby and I did for the first time in MANY years.  We were busy working in the kitchen, getting all the food prep done for our gathering today.  I don't think we would have been able to sleep anyway until after midnight.  Fireworks started in our neighborhood around 7:30 and continued until about 12:30.  Our dogs were so scared and stayed as close to us as they could all evening.

This week of crafting has been a good week for me.  

First up:  Fodhla shawl

I am on the decreasing round and am hoping to get quite a bit done on it today.  One of the ladies coming over is an avid knitter also.  We love to sit and knit while the guys watch football all day.  Since the food is all prepped and in slow cookers...............not much kitchen work will need to be done other than making sure veggie and fruit trays are filled at all times.

Do you see that little pink bag in the back of the photo?

I ordered 4 of these from About The Needle.  I saw an advertisement on FaceBook and thought I would look into it.  I fell in love immediately.  You "don't pay for the bag".  You only "Pay for shipping and handling".  Even with ordering 4 of them (that is the max amount you are allowed to order), it was under $25.  Is it roomy?  That shawl in the first photo along with another skein of yarn is in that bag as well as the beads and pattern.  There are 2 zippered parts on the top of the bag and pockets on both sides of the outer area.

Here is another shot of it along with my Hermione Socks that are not done yet.

Both of those socks and skeins of yarn fit nicely into the bag.  If you look closely, you can see little handles.  It makes it very easy to pick it up and transport to where ever you need it to be.  I have a large project back and these will fit so nicely into it for when I travel.  It is a win win situation.

I am working solely on my shawl right now.  I need to have it finished by Friday so I can soak and block it for my trip that starts a week from today.  Wish me luck!

Tomorrow, reality sets back in.  As you know, I was out of town for 2 weeks the first of December.  Four days later, the Texas family came to stay for 6 days.  Three days after they left, my brother in law dropped in for a couple of days.  That brings us up to today.  Some dear friends from Las Vegas are in town and each year they come to our house on New Years day for food, football and festivities.  Hubby helped me get all the food ready and now he is mopping the house.  I help put everything back in place when he is done, so don't think I am being lazy.  My shoulders do not allow me to mop and vacuum like I would like. I take care of the laundry, cooking, grocery shopping, menu planning  and help move furniture when he does the cleaning.  It is a win win here.

For the past few weeks, I have been telling you about some stash enhancement:

Berroco Comfort Sock is one of my favorites to work with.  I fell in love with this color and had to have it.


I have never used Allegro yarn before.  The lovely lady at the yarn shop said it is very nice to work with and so soft!

I am also going a KAL this year.  It is a year long KAL with Ruth from Knitterarium.  She has been in our YOP for many years and is a great designer of shawls, scarves and other wearables.  I have chosen to do one of her shawls that is just finishing up the test.  Once it is released, I will be casting it on.  I ordered the yarn from Knit Picks the other day and am excited to get it.  Once the pattern is released, I will link you to it and show you the fiber I am using at that time too.

Ok, I think that about takes me up to date on everything.  I need to go and help hubby put the house back together and get ready for our company today.

I am going to leave you with a photo of 90% of my family.  We are missing 3 Grands from the photo.

Until next time................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!


  1. Love the family photo! Football, I forgot about football today....what was I thinking.....off I go. Have a good week.

  2. Love, love, love the stash enhancement, great colourways.
    Good luck with finishing the shawl in time and getting it blocked. It really looks lovely and cozy, and will go with most colours. Nice to see the family photo group. Have fun with your company.

  3. Marsha, I love your family photo! I love berroco sock yarns too. That colorway is lovely. You did lots of fun entertaining. Crockpots to the rescue! I felt like we were on the "going" end . We were invited to a dinner on Fridayat a friends and a lunch today at another Friends. Both families had their decorations up and were lovely to see and enjoy. I too am only working on a shawl right now. I am not going to be finishing it this week like you!!! Yours looks really pretty so far

  4. Marsha, I love that Fodhla shawl. It's one of Ruth's isn't it? The pattern looks great, but your stitches are so perfect! I like your pink project bags. My thinking, when I first saw it is that it would be easy to locate when laid down somewhere (can you tell that I'm likely to lose a project bag amongst the yarn and other things in my craft room? ;^) I look forward to watching you progress through knitting another shawl of Ruth's. She has such pretty designs. And what a great group picture of your family! :) Happy New Year, friend!

  5. Your shawl is beautiful! I've seen those bags on FB but always thought it was too good to be true...I guess not! Good for you! You make me tired just listening to all "going and froing"...better you than me...I am a home body and after having every holiday at my house for years I don't mind not having company! LOL! My next sock for the Harry Potter KAL is Hermione's..love your yarns too!
    Your family photo is gorgeous...you are all very photogenic!

  6. I love your shawl, it is the perfect colour. What a great family photo!

  7. I love your shawl, it is the perfect colour. What a great family photo!


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