YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, January 8, 2017

YOP Week 28

Happy Sunday.  As you read this, I am probably on my way to Las Vegas.  Hubby and I are going there to see his mom and also for a little mini vacation.  I am entered in a slot tournament and am hoping to win something.  It has been years since I have entered in one. They are a lot of fun and very mindless.  You just sit and hit a button as fast as you can.

If you follow my blog regularly then you already know I have a finished object this week.

Ta-da.......my Fodhla shawl is completed, soaked, blocked and ready to go with me on my trip.  I have never worked a beaded knit project before.  The end results are very much worth the extra time it takes to add the beads.

I have another finished object............a corner to corner prayer shawl.  

I so enjoyed doing this.  It was a pretty quick crochet too.  Let me show you the little special part of this shawl.

As I was working on this in our Prayer Shawl group, one of the ladies told me she had some fun fur that would go with it.  I think it adds just the right amount of interest to the object.                              

I started another prayer shawl and after trying 3 different patterns, gave up and just started crocheting from my heart.   I will take a photo of it when I have better light and there is more done on it.  This will be one of my car projects along with my Hermione socks.  It is a 5 hour drive to Vegas.  Normally I drive up and hubby drives back.  I may just let him drive the whole time.  I really want to get those socks done and the prayer shawl too.  It would be nice to come home with 2 completed projects.  I will take another sock project along with me....just in case.

I will be starting my KAL with Knitterarium when I return.  I am waiting for her to release her latest pattern, Dying of the light, as well as waiting on the ordered yarn to come in for it.  That will be my travel project for when I go to New Orleans for 3 weeks.  

As you can tell, the next 2 months are jammed packed with activities for me.  I look forward to the traveling but am always glad when I get home to my hubby and dogs.

Until next time.............Happy Crafting


  1. We've planned and cancelled half a dozen trips to Vegas! I've always wanted to go but the timing and finances have never been right! The slot tournament sounds like fun - I hope you win!

    I'd definitely let hubby do all the driving! That's prime knitting time!

    And yes, that fun fur is a very nice textural element in the shawl :)

  2. I hope you do well at the tournament....and are able to get your projects finished...yes beading does add that extra something...

  3. Good Luck at the tournament. If you win think of all the yarn you can buy!!

  4. Go big or go home! You do not shy away from a project. Good luck at the slots tournament and have a lovely visit with your MIL.

  5. Good luck in the tournament and have fun! your shawl turned out so nice and yes I saw it midweek but it's so pretty I sure don't mind looking at it again!
    The prayer shawl is lovely too and looks so soft. Have a great time in Vegas!

  6. Hope your trip goes well! Love your shawl! The prayer shawl is gorgeous!

  7. Your shawl is gorgeous, and, as you say well worth the extra effort. Have a great trip.

  8. Beautiful shawls, Marsha. That fuzzy edge on the prayer shawl, I imagine, will give even more of a "hug" to it. I always imagine the recipient of a prayer shawl feeling hugged when they wear one of these gifts. I hope you have fun on your trip!


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