YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, December 29, 2016

A Normal Day

I just know you all are wondering what a normal day in my life is like.  I keep a bullet journal next to my seat in the familyroom and decided to look over the past 6 months to see what I do.  Surprise!!!!!! There is no such thing as a normal day in my life.  Everyday brings something new in my day.  Not that I mind.  Having a "normal" day would be so boring.

Let's look at today.........

Got up at my normal 7am and headed into the kitchen to make some coffee, only to find, hubby had made mine for me.  Totally unexpected. Next I downloaded the 21 photos we taken when the family was together for Christmas.  They were taken at JCPenneys and are excellent

Case in point.......one of the photos of hubby and I.  I actually might look into getting photos done each year now for gifts.  Groupon always has super deals around Christmas time.

After down loading the photos, I played with the color, warmth, brightness and cropping until I was satisfied with the photos I wanted to print for my mom's collage photo frame.

Boom!!!!!! It is now 11:30 and time for lunch, then a shower, and need to start on my travels for the day.

First stop.........dropping off my "old" stand mixer at my BFFs house for her daughter.  I got my new Kitchen aid and no longer needed the small Sunbeam.  I stayed and visited for a while.  My BFF just got home from the hospital yesterday after undergoing cervical spine fusion.  She is doing pretty good for not being able to turn her head.

Then I am off to my son's house to feed the kitties and fish.  I was graced with the presence of BOTH cats today.  They even let me pet them for a few minutes. 

Back in the car and off to visit my mom.  We finished a puzzle and got another one out and pieces sorted.  It is now 4:30 and time to go back home.

Back home and now realize We did not plan anything for dinner.  Off to Sprouts (a local fresh food store) and we picked up a bowl of soup and a salad.  Finished dinner and it is now 8pm and in1 hour we will be heading to Church for an hour of adoration.

My brother in law has made it to town, yet, has not gotten to our house as of this writing.  He is an hour away from us watching a hockey game.  He will call when he is close to our house.  It will be a late night.

Tomorrow, I will be going to the grocery store to pickup food for our New Years Day party.   I have picked out a recipe and just need a few ingredients.  It is a crockpot dish that I have made several times for hubby and I.   It is warm and filling and even healthy.  I am trying to get back into my weight watchers routine, so making sure I have good meals and snacks available during parties.

So, now, you have had a glimpse into a day of a retired person.  I still have laundry to do, floors to vacuum and a dishwasher to empty. I haven't even picked up a knitting needle today!  Oh,that is not good.  I did download 10 books to my Kindle yesterday, so I will have some reading material for a month or so.

Oh well...........thanks for stopping by........happy crafting!

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