YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Family life

It has been a whirlwind of activity since early Monday morning. The Texas family arrived around 2am tired and road weary. Yet, seems our internal clocks still worked for us, as we were up around 7:30 anyway and ready to start the day.

Hubby and I took the grands shopping for presents for their parents.  I was so impressed with them.  They made very wise choices and consulted with each other to see if the gift was acceptable.  We completed our shopping trip in an hour!

Lunch was consumed on the home front and then we took off to visit my mother.  She had no idea her Texas Great Grandchildren were coming to town.  She said it was the best Christmas present ever.  It had been 8 years since she had seen them and it was the first time to meet her newest great grand daughter.

After all the hugs and kisses were given out, we came back home, had a light dinner and were once again off.  This time we went to watch the Arizona grand in her Advent program at her school/church.  She played her flute in the orchestra and also sang with her class.  After wards, everyone came to our house for snacks and libations.   We finally crawled into bed close to midnight.

Tuesday morning came with lots of sunshine and warmth.  We pretty much lazed around in the morning.  We picked up Arizona grand at noon from school.  After all the grands played and talked for a while, I gathered them all up and took them to get hair cuts. The boys needed it desperately and we just had the TX grand daughters hair shaped up a bit.  We came back home and had a wonder taco Tuesday dinner.  Our two sons and their wives went out on the town for the evening and we got the joy of having all the grands with us.

There were dart tournaments, decoration of ornaments, card games, board games and lots of pool games played during the evening.  The girls ended up watching a movie with us old folks and we finally got everyone to bed just before midnight.

I am sitting here in quiet.  The Texas Grand daughter is awake but laying quietly in her room waiting for the rest of the house to awaken.  There is a light rain falling outside.  My dogs are curled up next to me and I am happier than I have been in a long time. Family is everything to us.  This Friday will be completeness for me.  I will have 90% of my family under one roof.  We will be celebrating Christmas together.  I am sure there will be lots of laughter but most importantly, lots of love.

Come back on Sunday, as I will be posting photos of the week.  My oldest Grand son is dynamite with the camera and has been having a blast using my new one.

Until next time..........Happy crafting

1 comment:

  1. So wonderful that you are having such a "grand
    (pun intended! LOL!) time! It was also wonderful that your Mother was able to see them. Joy all around at your house for sure! Keep having fun and Merry Christmas to all of you! Ho!Ho! Ho!


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