YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Week 26 and Christmas

Hello and Merry Christmas to you all.  If you do not celebrate Christmas, then Happy Holidays to you.  I am writing this on Saturday afternoon as this is the night hubby and I will celebrate Christmas by going to Mass and then on to a couple of open house socials.  That way, all I need to do is post on Sunday morning when I get up.  Christmas day is also my mom's birthday and she is turning 89 this year.  I made 2 angel food cakes to take to her group home, to share with the other 19 residents out there.  There will be berry pie filling put on top of each piece to add a bit of pizzazz to it.  This is per her request.  Each year we let her choose her cake flavor and make it happen for her.  

Anyway.......................let's get started!

It has been a whirlwind of a week.  I posted on Wednesday hoping to make this post a bit smaller than.  Nope..............Too much going on to not try and fit a lot of it in on this post. Since the majority of you are here to read about my handy work, I will post about that first.

The only thing I have to show is this:

My Hermione Socks are coming along nicely.  I was surprised how much knitting I was able to do this week.  I managed to get both heels done using the Fish Lips Kiss heel and have knitted several rows of the foot.  These are such a great knit and such an easy pattern to remember.  

I still have not taken a photo of my stash enhancement from almost a month ago.  I know....I am a bad bad bad knitter.  LOL  Actually, I was going to take a photo of them this week but there were 2 teen age boys sleeping in that room and their blow up bed took up the entire floor space in there.  Kind of hard to get to my stash with a bed in the way.

Speaking of which..............I do have some photos from the past week.

We went out to where my mom lives and the kids were thrilled that there was a puzzle to be worked.  My mom had no idea the Great Grands were coming into town and she was beyond happy.

Here are 4 of her Great Grands.  These were the only ones that came.  There are 3 more but they are all grown up and have jobs and were not able to make it down.

These two beautiful ladies are the newest members of my family.  This is my Daughter in Law and my newest Grand Daughter.  Love them to pieces.  In fact, I will be going down to where my DIL is stationed in January to stay with the Grand while she goes TDY for 2 weeks.  The Grand has asked me to bring a crochet hook and yarn and teach her how to crochet.  She is a lefty like me, so this will be the first time I have taught some one left handed.  WOOHOO

While the family was here we went and had family photos taken.  ALL OF US!!!!  That is 12 people.  The lady was so great with us and let us have whatever sittings we asked for.  I can hardly wait to get the CD back so I can upload them to my computer and give you a view of 90% of my family.

After photos, we went to eat at a nice Italian restaurant.  Bucca di Peppo!!!!  YUMMY!

Here are a few photos from that adventure:

The son who just had surgery and his lovely bride

My daughter and her husband.  They just celebrated 1 year of marriage.

My local Daughter in Law (Josie's mom)

And her husband (my son).  (That's me next to him)

Some yummy food

Even more yummy food

My 16 year old grandson is the one taking 99% of the photos I am sharing with you.

He even took a selfie with my new camera.  He is amazing.

The one thing I have to cherish for the rest of my life are these:

I gave each of the 4 grands a Christmas ornament to decorate for me to hang on my tree.

It kept them busy for about 30 minutes is all.  I am in love with them and each child signed their name on the back of their creation.

Busy little beavers working on the ornaments.

Nothing like getting your picture taken when you have a mouth full of food.  This is the youngest grandson.  

We had Christmas on Friday with the entire family, at my house.  I was so filled with love and warmth, I did not take any photos of that time.  But the memories of the evening will be in my heart forever.

I don't know if I showed this to you guys or not.  This was my luggage when I came home from Texas a couple weeks ago.

I still had 4.5 pounds before going over limit though.  I don't have any idea why it was so much heavier then when I came.  I did all the laundry, so there wasn't any extra dirt in it. LOL  It might have been from all the Christmas gifts I purchased while in Texas.

So that is all from me this week.  Have a great week and..............Happy Crafting!!!!


  1. Haha. I thought your luggage had that tag because it was full of wool!

  2. I'm loving all of these family pics. Such a great way to have some quality family time together with all the grands. Such happy faces making memories to cherish for ever. Merry Christmas to you all. xx

  3. It sounds as though you have had a fabulous week. Happy Christmas to you and happy birthday to your mum (who looks amazing btw).

  4. It sounds as though you have had a fabulous week. Happy Christmas to you and happy birthday to your mum (who looks amazing btw).

  5. I love all the pictures of your family. Your grands are beautiful! And fun! Merry Christmas to all of you!

  6. So many lovely pictures. Sounds like a wonderful holiday with family! I really like the idea of each grandchild decorating an ornament! Leaves you with some lovely keepsakes :)

  7. What great family photos and what a wonderful time you had...it was fairly obvious you were all having fun! I love the idea of the ornaments too. Your socks are looking good and I keep meaning to try the Hermione pattern. What a great family you have and so happy you got to be together at this special time of year! TTYL!


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