YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, December 4, 2016

YOP uodate

Good morning everyone.  I found a few quiet moments  early today to update my  blog.

First up,

Hermione Everyday sock.  I am working both socks on DPNs.  Both of them are in the exact same spot.  I am enjoying doing them this way.  I like this pattern also, as it does not hide the patterning of the yarn.  It does add some texture though which I love.  This will be another pattern I will use more than once . 

I finished the Stockinette Hug Shawl before I left home .   It still needs a soak and blocking so will do that when I get back home.

I arrived at my son's home on Thursday morning and it has been non stop since.  He had bicep surgery Friday morning.  It was out patient, which was nice.  His surgeon was excellent.  He really took the time to inform me of everything I would need to know to help my son during recovery.

The Grands are being wonderful with helping out where needed.  Not one complaint from any of them when I ask them to pitch in.  I am blessed for sure.  There has been lots of laundry being done along with cooking, cleaning, children activities, grocery shopping and other duties as assigned.  I am sleeping very well at night. lol  Last night I had a bed guest:
This is Chief.  He is Shephard/shar pei mix and a big baby and goof ball.  There are 3 dogs here and they rotate where they sleep.  I volunteered for this guy.  He is so good and slept the  whole night at the foot of the bed and never once disturbed me.  He will be invited back to my room anytime.

The weather here is much colder than at home and it rained  all day yesterday.  I love the rain, so that was a bonus for me.  The male grands love the rain too, so we were all happy campers yesterday.  We will be dropping down below freezing later this week.  Good thing I brought lots of sweaters and flannel shirts.  This desert rat is not used to these temperatures anymore.  

I am off to church and then home  to decide what to make for dinner. Will have kids do their laundry today so we can get that room cleaned up.  

Until next time...........Happy Crafting


  1. Love the colours of your sock, glad that your sons surgery went well and the grands are pitching in. Have a lovely visit.

  2. Aren't self-patterning sock yarns fun? I really enjoy them!

    Of course the grands are being angels! So nice that you can have this time with them ;0

  3. Great update on the family (and your knitting). When I visit my sister her dogs always want to sleep with me. I love it.

  4. The socks are coming along a treat. It sounds as though you are having a great visit.

  5. The socks are coming along a treat. It sounds as though you are having a great visit.

  6. The socks are looking great and I too love doing 2 at a time that way. I feel guilty as my son had shoulder surgery and I did not go up North but I have 4 animals here and not sure I could make the drive in one day like I used to. He managed as there is always someone to help and he insisted he would be fine and he was but I felt bad just the same. It's wonderful you could go and help out and spend time with your grands. I bet they are all so happy you are there! Stay warm! LOL!

  7. Glad to hear everything is going so well at your son's house. It's also good to hear you're able to get some knitting in the midst of all the other stuff that needs doing. That must be a great way to relax a bit when you have the time to do so. I do love that yarn you're making those socks in. Very pretty combination of colors.

  8. Good to hear that your sons surgery went well, and that he's recovering in your tender care. Lovely that the grandkids are helping where necessary, it must be a real treat for them to have you there too.


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