YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Midweek madness

I leave tomorrow for Texas to help out with my son after his surgery on Friday.  I am excited to be with him and  the grands again,  but am sad his wife can not be there too.  She is TDY with the navy right now.

Today, as I look around at what needs to be done before I leave, I am over whelmed with everything.  My husband is a big help and has helped with laundry and getting suitcases down for  me. He has offered to run errands for me so I can focus on the home front items.  I need to start packing my clothes, knitting, carry on items and books.  The fridge needs cleaning and the left over turkey frozen in individual servings.  I need to pack up items my mom needs so hubby can take them out to her tomorrow.  And yet, here I sit, blogging away.  I did get my boarding pass, though, and have TSA precheck, so don't have to remove shoes or computers to go thru security.

We did manage to put up our tree and decorate it.  The city was out and inspected our backroom construction and  we passed!!!!! I found comfy boots to wear during these colder days.  I finished my last knitted item for Christmas.  These are all pluses for me and  will make me less stressed while gone.

The last knitted item still needs soaking and blocking but will not get done before I leave.  Our heater is  not working well, so it is 66 degrees in our house and  it will take too long for the shawl to dry.   I will do that when I return in 2 weeks.  By then, we should  have the heater issue resolved.

I have the cuffs done on my Hermione socks.  Those will be traveling with me as well as another sock pattern in case I finish these up.  I am not sure which sock pattern will go yet.  Need to take a look at the project bags to see which one appeals to me.  It will need to be fairly easy so it can be picked up and sat down as needed.

I stopped into my LYS, yesterday.  Picked up a couple of skeins of sock yarn while there.  Nope, I didn't NEED more sock yarn.  I WANTED more sock yarn.  The new yarn will probably turn into bed socks for my mom.  I haven't made any  new ones  for her in over a year.  I seem to always gravitate to sock knitting.  I have other items to work on, but love socks best.

I guess I should close this for today and get myself motivated.

Until next time...,.....happy crafting

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