YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, November 21, 2016

My Heart is hurting

My heart is hurting and has been since yesterday evening.  The Lord received a beautiful soul yesterday, while we lost a friend, sister, daughter, and faith filled member of our RCIA team. She was funny, quirky, serious, loving, non-judgmental, filled with the love of Christ, but most of all, she was a friend to me and so many others.

We don't know why she was called home to be with her beloved Saviour.  The question will never be answered.  We do know she was always ready to do the will of the Lord.  

My husband and I were doing Christmas baking yesterday when the news came of her passing.  Neither of us could believe it was true.  We both were stunned into silence. Prayers went up immediately for her, her family and all of us who knew and loved her.

Just last weekend, we had spent an entire day with her at our retreat.  She was fine.  How had the pneumonia happened so fast?  Why couldn't the Doctors find the right drug to treat it?  How did the clots form in her lungs when she was being monitored so closely?  Why couldn't we have had more time with her and with her radiating personality that always made you smile?

I looked though the pictures of the retreat, just so I could see her again.

The lovely lady in the pink shirt.  

Leading the way to our Cancer shrine for prayer and adoration.

Practicing for the skit in which she plays the shopper.

Her and I in the skit together.  Acting came as naturally to her as anything else she did.

The last photo of her from the retreat.  Kneeling at the cross of Jesus.

My tears are for my loss.  I know she is super happy about where she is.

You leave a huge hole in my heart and in the heart of many, Diana Copeland.  I thank God for the time I had with you and the knowledge and love of the Lord you showed everyday.  I won't say "rest in peace" as I know in my heart, you are where all of us strive to be someday.

So until we meet again, I love you and will miss you Miss D.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet tribute to your friend. I'm sorry for your sudden loss of a friend. She sounds like such a lovely person.


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