YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


It seems like I just arrived at my son's house and now I only have 6 more days before I fly home.  I am loving being with the grands.  They have been soooooo good with all the turmoil going on with their dad's surgery.

As I look at my bullet journal, I am amazed at all the things we have done each day.  We have not stayed home one whole day yet.  Even so, I have managed to cook meals each night, clean at least one room each day and do laundry.  There has even been knitting time.  This is how I functioned when I worked full time.

One thing I did do was read a book!  It was a book I picked up at my grand daughter's book fair on Saturday.  The title is "The Junction of Sunshine and Luck" by Holly Schindler.  I really enjoyed it, even if it is geared towards 5th to 6th graders.

Tomorrow we go to the surgeon's office as we had to have the dressing removed because of moisture. It was supposed to stay on for 10 days. Lucky for us there is a nurse and paramedic across the street who were kind enough to come over and redress the incision area.  I looked at the incision and it looks very good.  There is some bruising, of course, but overall............nicely done.

Hopefully, after the Dr's appointment tomorrow, I will have some extra time to bake up some banana bread with our over rippened bananas.  I also want to do some laundry of towels and clean up the laundry room.  I have church tomorrow night, so will probably do a crockpot dinner of pork chops, rice and brussel sprouts.  Want something that the family can eat if they get hungry.

My son has invited friends over for dinner on Saturday and his in laws over for dinner on Sunday.  We have no idea what we will be serving yet.  We have a few days to decide though.  Maybe ribs one of the nights.  I do them in the crockpot and they fall off the bone.  Found the recipe on Pinterest and have made it several times.  Will run that by my son, he might have other ideas though.

It's 8:30pm, got youngest grand in the shower, oldest grand in his room doing homework, son is watching Chip and Joanna Gaines' show and I am enjoying a cuppa and my knitting.  Think i will have one more cuppa and read for a bit and then get some shut eye.  Early day tomorrow here.  Want to be well rested to listen to the Doctor and I have a couple of questions for him too.

Until next time...........happy crafting!

1 comment:

  1. You really motivate me with all your cooking and cleaning! I love to hear about normal lives of bloggers. So glad your son is doing so well and if you have time could you link to those crockpot recipes? I love the crockpot but not all recipes are good ones! LOL! Yours sound delish! Glad you are enjoying your grands too. did I tell you how much I love the yarn in those socks you're making? Very cool yarn. TTYL!


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