YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, December 18, 2016


Hello and welcome back.  I returned home on Tuesday this past week and it has been a crazy time every since my feet hit terra firma.  I am trying to get everything completed and done and baked and wrapped and decorated before my Texas family arrives.

Guess what.....................It ain't happening.  The wrapping is done, the beds are made, baking will be on going while they are here and I decided that what is decorated is all we are going to do.  There are only so many hours in a day and mine are maxed out.

Tonight, I am going to be going grocery shopping around 7 or 8pm.  Good thing WalMart is opened 24 hours a day.  Hopefully, it will not be as busy then and I will be able to get my groceries and get home and put them away with time to spare before the family arrives.

But..............that is not why you all are here.  You are wondering what I accomplished in the past 2 weeks.

How about this:

 The stockinette hug shawl was completed about 6 hours before I left for Texas.  I blocked it when I got home.  It is now dry and wrapped and waiting to be given to it's special person.

While I was gone, I worked only on my Hermione socks:

This one only has 8 more rows to do before I start the heel.  The other one has 12 more rows and then the heel.  I really like doing both of them at the same time on DPNs.  It is so much easier on my hands than working with the cords of the magic loop and pulling the socks around all the time.

I forgot to take photos again of my stash enhancement that happened just before I left for Texas too.  Hopefully, by next Sunday, things will have settled down a bit and I will be able to better update everything.  Our family leaves on the 24th and also our family that lives here leaves the same day to go and spend Christmas and New Years with her parents for a change.  It will be quiet around here, but that is ok.  I am sure we will find plenty of things to keep us busy.  There will be lots of laundry to do with the bedding and towels to be washed.

Tomorrow, our local grand daughter has her Advent program at her school.  We will be there for that.  Tuesday, hubby and I will be taking the Texas grands to go Christmas shopping for their parents.  Wednesday is a quiet day for us.  I am sure something will come up for us to do.  Thursday we are getting family photos done of all the local family and the Texas clan. It has been 11 years since we have had an updated photo.  Friday, we will be doing our family Christmas at our house.  There will be lots of food, love and fun that evening.  So, there you have our week in a nutshell.  I am really looking forward to the next 5 days.  It will be whirlwind, but that is fine with me.  I just want to soak up the love and family warmth.

Oh........As for the surgery................everything went just fine.  I posted about it here.

OK, I need to get off of here and double check my shopping list to make sure I have everything listed I need to get for the next few days.  (yes, I am soooo excited)

I would like to wish a Happy Chanukah to all my Jewish friends and a Merry Christmas to all my friends that celebrate that with me.  Also a Happy Kwanzaa to those that celebrate that tradition also.


  1. You are a whirlwind! I am looking forward to my peaceful Christmas with just my girls.
    Whoever gets the shawl will love it and Happy Holidays to you and yours! Love your socks!

  2. Your Sockinette Hug shawl looks pretty. I really like the understated colors. In fact, I've favorited the pattern thinking it might feel like a doable project to me. Maybe? Love the colors in that Hermione sock. I love blues and I realize right now I just don't use it enough in things I make. Giving that some thought now as I contemplate new projects on the horizon...


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