YOP LIST 2024-2025

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Saturday Morning

The house is fairly quiet.  All the grands are gone until tomorrow night.   My son and I are having a lazy morning.  He is drinking his coffee and I just finished my second cup of tea.  Trying to decide if i really want to shower and get ready for the day.  This blog is a great distraction and helps me delay on decision making.

I did not go to the Doctor with my son this week.  He requested to go alone and therefore I had the opportunity to go to church, earlier in the day.   He was given permission to pickup items that weight 1 pound or less.  The dressing remains on until the 16th and the sling until the end of the year.  The Doctor did tell him, the usage of the arm should be 100% after all the healing happens.  Healing takes up to 4 months to complete.  Lots of positive news there.

I have not been working on my knitting lately.  Seems like everytime I pick it up it needs to be out back down.  So it sits in my night stand staring at me, waiting for some love to be shown to it.  (Sigh)  Unfortunately, reading on my tablet is much easier for me to do with interruptions.  I just finish my second book and am on a third one.  Nothing to spectacular as far as literary material goes.  Not even worth mentioning the titles.  These books are basically mindless drivel.

We have company coming over this evening for dinner.  There will be a little 2 month old baby coming and I am so excited to hold a little one again.  Needless to say,  the 3 BIG dogs will be crated during the visit.  They are too excitable and would want to love the baby toooooooo much.  We are smoking a pork loin for dinner tonight and having loaded mashed potatoes and green beans on the side.  Tomorrow we are smoking whole chickens and also macaroni and cheese.  Smoked mac and cheese sounds so yummy, can't wait to try it.

With all this going on, my YOP post may not show up until Monday.   That way I can let you know how yummy all the foods were.

I still can't believe how quickly my time here has gone.  I fly back home on Tuesday evening.  I miss my all my AZ family and friends but.............I will miss my TX family when I leave.  It's so hard living 14 hours drive time, away from each other.

Ok, I have rambled long enough.  Time to go get cleaned up and then clean up the house a bit.  Mostly, vacuum up dog hair and mop up muddy paw prints.

Until next ti


  1. Glad your time at your son's is still going well. I know your being there and helping him must mean a lot. It sure sounds like you're all eating well! :)

  2. Glad you have reading to relax with. Your knitting will wait for you and be glad to be reunited in the near future.
    Hope the baby cuddling was wonderful. I am sure it was!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours.


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