YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


As promised I did take pictures of the 'winter wear' that I made.

This is from a Chemo hat pattern.  My niece wanted a skull cap and this was so feminine that I just couldn't resist it.  I love the lace on the bottom of it.  It is made with Lorna's Laces and the color is Huck's Room.

These are called Peek-a-boo mittens.  They are really clever in the fact you can just pop your four fingers out of the mitten without the help of either hand or your mouth.  You can also pop them back in without any assistance.  It is nice when you have your hands full of children, purse, grocery sacks, etc and need to have some extra dexterity for something like your keys.

Finally is the scarf.  It is called Column of Leaves and was the first lace project that I had attemped on anykind of a large scale.  I loved doing it and will probably do more scarve in this pattern.

That is all for now.

Have a great crafty day.

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