YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, May 31, 2010

End of May?

Golly Gee, where does the time go to?  Here it is the end of May and I feel like the year just started.  Does this mean I am getting old?  I hear the older you get the quicker time goes by.  I hope this is just some old wives tale.

Tomorrow being the first of June sees me turning another year OLDER!  I have no plans for the birthday and that is fine with me.  Since this weekend was Memorial Day weekend I had lots of fun with family and friends.

Saturday my Grand Daughter came and we had a sleep over.  She is such a joy to have and being four is almost grown up to her.  We played, went to Mass, went to McDonald's for dinner and then decided it was time to go swimming for the first time this year.  (the water was COLD).  She loved all of it but I think she liked the swimming best even if my lips were blue after 30 minutes in the water.

Sunday is family day as usual and Grand Daughter's parents came over around noon and we all went swimming again.  It was not as bad this time since the sun was shining brightly but the first 5 minutes in the water were a bit frigid.  We swam for about 2.5 hrs and then we got out and put out the snacks that the little girl "helped" me make.  My mom came over and we played some card games and then I BBQ'd chicken kabobs for the family and my daughter made Mac and Cheese to go with it.  My mom made a wonderful angel food cake for my birthday so we had a very yummy desert too.

Today I went shopping with my mom at Dress Barn (free plug for them).  Afterwards we went to Daves BBQ for lunch and had a really enjoyable time.  I came home and proceeded to do a bit of house keeping until I was so tuckered out from all the activities of the weekend I finally sat down, put in a chic flic and proceeded to knit and crochet on my two prayer shawls.  I was going to BBQ some chicken breasts up for daughter and I but neither one of us were all that hungry so will do that tomorrow night after work.  I went to holy hour of prayer at 9 and now I am home and wide awake! 

I know I need to go to sleep as I have to be up around 5:30 tomorrow to get ready for work but for some reason I can not get sleepy.  (Bet I am sleepy by 3 in the afternoon tomorrow!) 

Hubby has been gone since last Wednesday and returns tomorrow.  He went to Vegas to visit his mom for her 83rd birthday!  Today they went to the VA cemetery to decorate his Dad's gravesite.  He was plenty busy while up there.  He helped his brother plant Lantana and Mexican birds of paradise in Mom's front yard.  He also got his mom to the DMV to get her drivers license.  She doesn't drive anymore but it was easier to get the license that it was to get an ID card!  Go figure.

My dog and cat are staring at me like I have lost my mind.  They really want me to go to bed so they can go to bed too.  Guess I will be a good pet owner and accomodate them. (Just this one time thought)

Have a great week!

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