YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, June 18, 2023


 One more week and this YOP (year of projects) will be completed for me.  It is hard to believe I have been a part of this group since it's inception.  It has been one of the most fun things I have done.  I have 'met' some awesome people through this group.  Many are no longer a part of YOP but I still keep in contact with them through social media or their personal blogs.  If you knit, crochet, cross stitch, paint, sew, quilt etc..........think about joining us and sharing your special talent with us.  This is a 100% judgement free zone!

Anyway..................I did get something completed this past week.

The 'To The Point' shawl is completed.  The label and medal have been attached also and it is ready to go to the prayer shawl ministry to be blessed and distributed to someone who needs a bit of comfort during their journey with cancer.

Once that was completed, I decided I needed to get my Mehujaa shawl completed before the end of week 52.

Needless to say, this past week did not see it's completion.  It did see me completing 24 rows in just a couple of evenings.  I still have 47 rows to go before it will be done and off the needles.  (Blocking not included)  Is it possible to do that before next Sunday?  Possibly.  I figured out how long it took to complete each row.  I only need about 20 hours of down time to make it happen. 

Last week was a bit busy for me.  Here is a brief rundown:

Monday - Laundry as well as taking a grand to work only to turn around and pick her up again.
                 completed prayer shawl.

Tuesday - More laundry, ran errands, had a lovely spaghetti dinner at our local mom and pop                   Italian restaurant, worked on shawl

Wednesday - Finish the laundry, went swimming (finally), spent hours working on the shawl

Thursday -  hubby's 74th bday!, took E to the vet, got a haircut, did a bit of decluttering, went                       to adoration,  started a roast in the crockpot for Fridays dinner
Friday - Made tortillas, shredded up the roast and added green chili to make 'green chili beef                 for dinner, made spanish rice, had a lovely dinner with a dear priest friend.

Saturday - Picked up food for our church's food bank, went to mass, went to a birthday party 
                  for my BFF.

Today we are heading over to our youngest son's home for a Father's Day BBQ with the entire family.  Should be able to do a bit of knitting on the shawl when we come home later this evening.

According to my calendar, I do not have any special appointments this coming week.  (yet)  Stay tuned to see if that stays that way.  If it does, completion of the shawl is totally possible.

Next week I will do a wrap up of the past year's progress in preparation of Year of Projects year 13!

Until Next Time.....................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You always get so much done! I love all your To the Point shawls. They always turn out so pretty. I know you will get your other shawl done....you are so organized. Thanks for the reminder about the "wrapup" next week. I ordered a bunch of yarn this week for various projects.....exciting! It's been awhile since I've ordered yarn. Deramores, my favorite yarn store, went out of business....hard to believe since I thought they were so popular. I had to search on the internet to find my old favorite yarns but I found them! I can't wait to see everyone's plans for YOP year 13! Have a great week and I will pray that you get your shawl done in time!

  2. Liz here. Celebrating birthdays and meals out sounds like a lovely week. I’m sure someone is going to be very grateful for the shawl, lovely shades of blue.

  3. I wonder now if you have the shawl completed? Either way, it sounds as though you had a busy but enjoyable week. The first completed shawl is lovely 😍


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