YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

DAY 13


Hello from beautiful Las Vegas!  We made it here just fine and are enjoying our 'down' time.  We actually spent quite a bit of time in our room yesterday as I was pretty tired from driving here.

But, that is not what this day's blog is about.  Today, there is an photo of 13 items that left my house.

Can you say cables?  Yup, there are phone, cat 5, HDMI and other assorted cables in this pile.  As you may have guess, the next few days will be items I found BEFORE we left the house.  Trust me, they are no longer in the house as hubby took them to the electronics recycling center before we left town.

Until next time.......................................................


  1. Glad you got there safe and sound! Good going on the de-clutter! I bet I have a b unch of those around here too. Have fun!

  2. Oooh! More cables! I bet it feels good knowing you're going to go back to a house that is lighter. Enjoy your time in Vegas!

  3. you are an inspiration! have fun in vegas!!


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