YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, October 23, 2020

DAY 23


Another day of getting items out of my house and donated, tossed or given away.  I needed to go and find a 'spare' dish towel to use for our water cooler and when looking for 'just the right one' I found a big mess in the 'rag' cupboard.  This get me started on cleaning it out.

Here is the beginning of that clean out.  Thirteen hand/dish towels that no longer have a purpose in my house.

Here are 10 pair of leggings I needed to say goodbye to.  See the ones that are inside out?  I did this last year at the beginning of leggings season.  That means, those leggings never got worn in over a year.  The ones that are right side out are ones I no longer wanted to keep.  I still have 18 pairs of leggings in my drawer and that is more than enough for me.

Today is my last day to dog/teen watch.  Hubby is with me today.  We will be picking up the teen around 1, taking her to swim practice and then he and I will go to a local place to have a bite of lunch.  We pick her back up at 3:30 and then will go back to her house.  We will all patiently wait for her mom to get home from work and then we are all going to go out to eat dinner at one of our favorite spots that has an outdoor dining area.  

We were notified, the people we sat next to in church, last week, one of them has tested positive for the virus.  We all had masks on and we did socially distance too.  Neither hubby or I are too concerned about it though.  When I say we sat next to them, I mean we were at least 6 feet if not more away from them.  My concern is for the person who has contracted it as he is in his 80's and his wife has multiple health issues that make her susceptible to it.  Here is the irony, he is a Doctor and she is a nurse so I KNOW they have taken so many precautions.  This disease does not discriminate.  He said he doesn't feel bad and only had a fever for a couple of days and just feels like he is dragging and has a mild cough.  I pray it does not get any worse than that.

I am looking forward to the weekend and next week.  I do not have any major plans other than doing things around the house to get 'caught' up on things.  What are your plans for the next few days?

Until next time.............................................................


  1. That is a brilliant idea with the leggings.
    I know I'm supposed to get rid of clothes I haven't worn in a year, but I'm finding that difficult!

  2. This would be a great idea for all my clothing. I might have a near empty closet by next year if I tried this. Hmmmm...

  3. Fingers crossed for your fellow church member.


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