YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, October 29, 2020

DAY 29


The end of this challenge is nearing.  It has been a very eye opening experience for me.  I thought most of my home was pretty much decluttered from when I did it a couple of years ago.  It seems, I missed going through quite a bit of my 'storage' units that sit inside of my house.  Today, I am still in Josie's room and still working out of the china hutch.  More treasures were discovered and this time they brought back sweet memories for me.

I blew this photo up so you could really see the items.  When there are 29 items in one photograph, they kind of get lost.  Here I have 2 more decks of cards, a pair of mittens, a kitty cat candle holder and 25 sun catchers.  It is the sun catchers that brought back the sweet memories for me.   Most of the sun catchers are Tiffany glass.  My husband bought them for me when we lived in Pennsylvania.  Because of the dull gray winters there, he thought if I had these hanging in our windows, they would help to brighten my days.  Oh my, when the sun would shine and hit these, the rooms would burst into such glorious color and light.  Living in Arizona, I no longer have long periods of time without sunlight, not to mention I do not have as many windows in my current home as I did in my PA house.

This is a photo of our home in PA.  I loved this house and all the memories that went along with it.  The neighborhood, the schools, the rolling green hills, the friends we made......all of it brings back lovely memories for me.

Today, I am planning on making some snack bars for us.  I made some just before our little trip and we really enjoyed them.  They are all sugar free and the only sweetener in them is honey to help hold them together.  My recipe makes 9 bars and I cut those in half which means they are only 77 calories per serving.  They are the perfect afternoon snack for us when we want that little bit of sweet to tide us over until dinner.  

I was asked how my loaf of bread came out.

Here it is.  My sourdough starter has been fed with whole wheat flour.  Using that starter made my bread look like whole wheat and even has a slight wheat flavor.  I am a bit disappointed that there is not much of a sourdough flavor to the bread though.  Hubby and I both, like this bread better for sandwiches.  The next time I make it, I will do it without the sourdough starter in it and see if it will rise just a bit more than this one did.  

BTW, I am still looking for a name for my sourdough starter.  Does anyone have any suggestion?  I have already done Emilie and Trey.  This is the 5th time to have a starter and I just don't thing Cinco is a wonderful name for this starter.  I could name it Arthur since the starter came from King Arthur Flour.  What do y'all think?  I am open to suggestions.

Until next time.............................................................................


  1. lol - I'm not very clever for thinking up names for things. I look forward to hearing what you dub it. I love your suncatchers. I have a small collection that was begun when a man from our church gave every family unit in our small group one he had made. I think he gave us all a second one later, and this summer, I bought one he had donated to a fund raiser. I change them out and enjoy seeing them in my kitchen window since I stand there several times a day doing dishes or just cleaning things up. I especially love that they were hand-made by someone I know. Good job on the clearing out. It's hard to believe there are only two more days to go!

  2. I'd go with Arthur. Love your suncatchers! Your home was beautiful...what made you leave? Good job on de-cluttering. Every day I think it will be hard and then.....it's not! LOL! Good lookin gbread too!

  3. so many sun catchers! I have two and neither catch anything in the window they are in!!

  4. How about Jack b/c it's October and of Halloween?


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