YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, October 16, 2020

DAY 16


Hello again.  Our bags are all packed and we are just having a little bite to eat before we head out on our trip back home.  It was an amazing week here and has renewed me.  I am now ready to go home, sleep in my bed, play with my dogs and go back into my little bubble of the world.  While we were gone, we kept track of the number of COVID cases being reported in our state and have seen the numbers rising.  Hence me saying we were going back into our little bubble.

Here is my declutter for today.

Another cell phone, more cables, speaker wire, switch boxes and connectors.  This just about sums up all the electronics from hubby's office.  I am sure we will find more of them as we scan the house.  In fact, I can almost guarantee it.

Hubby has the ice chest packed so that is my signal to get off of here and get myself ready to go out the door.

Until next time.................................................................................


  1. More cables and electrical stuff! Have a safe trip back home, Marsha!

  2. Which tier is your county in? Ours has moved into orange but only certain places are slowly opening for 25% capacity. Our county is taking its time.


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