YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, October 7, 2020



Day 7 has some more items to leave the house.

Book on the left is one my husband got for his daughter for her 5th birthday.  She is turning 48 next week!  Top right are CT Scans of the hubby that alerted us to a serious problem that required surgery and a big change in our eating life style.  The bottom right is more cell phone accessories.  So nice to have these items going to the places that will use them.

I do need to let you know...............decluttering is not the only thing going on in my Casa.  We are scrambling around, trying to get ready for our trip next week.  Our dog sitter came over last night to see what all had changed in the feeding of the animals as well as how to work our new TV.  She had dinner with us and regaled us with some humorous stories of her recent adventure to Mexico.  

Today, I made snack bars to take on our trip.  I did not know there were sugar free chocolate chips that were sweetened with Stevia.  They aren't cheap but then I only needed 1/4 cup of them for the snack bars.  A bag will last quite a while.

Hubby has been getting the bushes all trimmed up in hopes fall weather will come and they will become a bit dormant for a while.  He also has gotten the salt cell on the pool replaced (under warranty) and noticed it had been installed incorrectly and made them come back and reinstall it.  He has repaired the drawers of the armoire that holds office supplies.  The drawers had been in bad shape for about a year.  Since we decluttered that piece of furniture, it was the perfect time to repair it.

I have also been knitting in the evenings to help relax from the busy days I have had.  (Actually, come by on Sunday, as there is a finished item to show off)  There has been sewing this week too.  My son's swim team shirt needed repairing so I went to JoAnn's and got a double needle as well as a mini lesson on how to sew with a double needle on my old sewing machine.  It was fun to learn and then put into practice.  There were also 2 more masks made and this time I made a little adjustment to them so they would not gap as much by the ear.

There is a student desk in the office that was covered with books.  (My hubby is a book fiend)  While hubby was off running errands I managed to get ALL the books off of the desk and into a bookcase.   Unfortunately, there was nothing under all those books that could be used in my decluttering showcase.

Today, the dogs are going to their respective vets to have their glands cleaned.  The joys of having a small dog is we get to do this about every other month.  I will also be delivering the son's shirt to him along with a book to the Grand that I finished last week.

That should take us to dinner time.  I have been smart and cooked meals, the past two days, that will feed us for the rest of the week.  Monday I made a lovely meatloaf and last night I made pork carnitas.  So, tonight, we have a choice of meatloaf sandwiches or finishing up the carnitas and refried beans.  

So, now you know, I am not just tearing around the house looking for items to get rid of.  I do have a life other than that, sort of.

Until next time...............................................


  1. You are a very busy woman, Marsha! I'm exhausted just reading about what you get done! We're mostly sorting through stuff and I'm finally getting my living room back (for at least the second, maybe third time) since DH's mother passed and we started bringing things home. I do have some lamps I don't know what to do with, but I like them so for now I'm at least going to store them - in the garage, maybe. Kind of goes against the whole minimalizing thing, but I feel better about that idea than any other option I have. I'm rambling. Just giving you a peek into my days - this week, anyway.

  2. Hi Marsha :) Meatloaf sound so comforting! I haven't had that in ages, I used to slather mine with ketchup! :) I hope you get everything done before your trip! Good job on continuing to declutter. I'll be doing some of that this weekend!

  3. I like how you're close to your dog sitter enough to have her over for dinner.


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