YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, October 9, 2020



Once again, I found plenty of items to leave my house.  

There are 4 spiral bound 'notebooks' that I actually had bought to use as journals.  No worry though, I kept 3 other ones to use in the near future for journals.  Then there is the computer tower that we gave to a friend who uses the parts to fix other systems.  The hard drive is not in it and has been destroyed with a sledge hammer.  Three more cell phones were discovered stuck in a drawer.  One of them was my mom's.  They have all been set back to factory settings.  It is fun to watch them wipe out everything.  The last item is a decorative bucket I have had sitting in my craftroom for YEARS.  It was loaded with a bunch of paperwork from my mom's death that was able to be shredded.  No need to keep that item now.  It would just attract more 'stuff'.

My laundry for the day is completed.  I have just two more little house chores to do and then I will be doing some dog grooming (nails and brushing).  When that is completed, my knitting is calling my name.

Biggest news of the day, we are going to be below 100F for the next 10 days!  Could this be the beginning of our fall?  🤞

Until next time......................................


  1. Well, Happy Fall to you! I am behind in the challenge but I'll catch up. YOu have really nice things that you are getting rid of. Good will customers will be happy! I read all your other ones too and you are doing so great! For some reason I am very slow this week in everything.

  2. Below 100 - finally! I am curious how you all cope with wearing masks in that heat. I realize you probably have air conditioning in nearly every indoor space, but surely there are outside activities where masks are required/recommended. I just can't imagine. Good haul again, today, Marsha!

  3. The decorative bucket would make a good planter for someone's front yard.


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