YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, October 30, 2020

DAY 30


Today is the next to last day of the declutter challenge.  Even though my header calls it a 30 day challenge, I decided to go ahead and do the entire month.  I am still working in Josie's room, cleaning out the china hutch.

Today, I found some great treasures.  Another deck of cards, a ceramic plate my mom made YEARS ago, 2 table runners, an entire box of votive candles, 9 taper candles, 2 crystal candle holders, a 2 inch pillar candle, 3 crystal candle drip protectors, 8 state spoons, and 2 pillar candle stands.  The table runners are going to my son's house.  His wife loves table runners and since these belonged to my mom she wanted them.  She already has the matching place mats for the bunny runner.

I will be making a GoodWill run tomorrow again to make sure I do not pull anything out 'just in case'.  The sooner it leaves the house, the better for my peace of mind.

My plans for today got drastically changed, late last night.  My plans were to do all my errands today while hubby cleaned.  Me being out of his way, seems to make things go smoother for him.  But then, Josie contacted me last night to ask if I could take her to the funeral of one of the students from her school.  The student passed away the beginning of week.  So, I will be picking her up from school, taking her to the funeral and then taking her home afterwards.  Not at all what I had in mind for my day.  This will be a tough one to attend since the person is so young (14).  

After the funeral, I should still be able to get a few of my errands run before I run out of steam.  There is a Sam's club run to do, water cooler bottles to fill and a quick grocery store stop to pick up 1 item for a meal this weekend.  With dropping Josie off at home, I will be able to deliver the items they wanted from the declutter.  That helps out a little.

Until next time......................................................................


  1. Such great items! that is so sad about Josie's classmate! So young! Was it Covid? Give her my sympathy....it m ust be hard to take when you a young person experience the death of another person their age. So nice of you to take her. You are the BEST grandma! I hope you were able to get your other errands dome before you crashed! LOL! You have more energy than me! Have a nice evening.

  2. I'm so sorry that Josie is attending a funeral today for a school mate. It's not a new thought, but I'm thinking your the BEST grandma too. I hope you're able to get done all you need to and not be pooped tonight.

  3. Very sad one of your granddaughter's classmates passed. Too young.


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