YOP LIST 2024-2025

Saturday, October 24, 2020

DAY 24


Time to show you my 24 items to leave the house today.

I finished cleaning out the laundry room cabinet and these are the last 6 towels that will be leaving.  With that cabinet cleaned out, I now have a place to put my accessories for my Kitchen Aid mixer.  That means, the top of my washer and dryer are now visible again.  Looks so much nicer in the laundry room.

Then I ventured into a room I have not decluttered in many years.  It is the room that was made up for Josie.  She spent a lot of time with us over the past 15 years.  We decided when she was about 2, to make a room dedicated to her so she would feel at home here.  Since she has grown up and spends less time here, it is now time for us to clean it out and make it more like a guest room.  The above two pictures I had always planned on putting on her wall in there.  They no longer appeal to me so they will be donated.

I also had stored all our wrapping paper in there and decided (thanks Becki) there was no reason to keep any of it.  I strictly use bags for gifts and if I need paper, I will pick up ONE roll at the dollar store for what ever occasion it is needed for.

Looks like I will probably be able to get the rest of the month completed from that room alone.  In fact, I think I will just keep doing this declutter until I am too exhausted to carry on anymore.  This house needs to be cleaned out!

So, today, I have already baked a loaf of bread, done a load of towels, done the declutter and am getting ready to start a sour dough starter (again).  Since I do not have any major activities for the next two week, I figure I can get a good start on the sour dough and probably even make a loaf or two.

Come back tomorrow to see what has happened in my crafting world as well as my 25 items that are leaving my house.

Until next time........................................................


  1. This is great because it reaminds me of things I can get rid of! I need to get rid of bags because I mail all my packages so i use the wrapping paper! LOL! Those pictures are pretty. I've never heard you talk about Josie? Good job on the de-cluttering!

  2. Those picture frames are beautiful! And you know... I thought about going through Christmas paper wrap. I probably have something in there I'm never going to use.


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