YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

DAY 20


Why of why do we hold onto things we will never use again?  Case in point:

Old eye glasses with their cases.  None of these have the right RX in them for hubby or I.  So, why do we still have them?  They are heading to the Lion's Club today where they will be put to good use.  There are also little pouches that hubby had been keeping for no good reason as well as a cell phone holder that goes on a belt.  Whoosh...............out the door, never to be seen again.

Hey!  I just had to tell you, it was 63F when I woke up at 6:30 this morning.  This is such a good sign of fall for us.  Granted it will get into the 90's today, but only for a little while and then march back down into the 70's by bedtime.  Another week or two and my windows and doors will be opened to let in some lovely breezes.

Time for me to get cleaned up and head over to take care of a dog.  I also have after school duty with a teen (not that she really needs me, but loves to have me around).

Until next time.........................................................


  1. This is one year I'd like to have warm weather all year round! Winter is going to be very quiet in Wisconsin with few outdoor activities!

  2. That is an impressive collection of old glasses and eye glass cases! There will be a number of people well-served by that haul. :)

  3. whenever I go to get new glasses I take a few old pairs to be used for the Lion's. I still keep the last 2-3 prescriptions as my back up of back ups - you just never know.

  4. I have no idea what the Lion's Club is but nice that they take old prescriptions and have ppl who can use them.

  5. Look at you go with the de-cluttering! It's about the same as your weather and temps just about 10 degrees lower for day and night. Next week another 10 degree drop.
    that is wonderful that you and your granddaughter are so close.


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