YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 11, 2020

WEEK 15 & DAY 11


Doesn't that header make it look like 2020 has been a grand year so far?  I made this banner in the middle of lock down too.  What was I thinking?  Well, anyway, today is Sunday.  This is the day I will tell you all about my crafting from the past week.  I have also combined my 31 day declutter challenge with this post to save me a bit of time.  I might even throw in some 'real life' happenings in this post.  So, grab your favorite beverage, pull up a chair, relax and read on.

There is a finish for this week!  Finally!  The Boneset shawl is done, blocked and ends woven in.

Here is the lace on the bottom of the shawl.  It is amazing what a good blocking will do for a piece.

I was trying to show the size of it but none of the photos really do it justice.

This shot makes is look asymmetrical

It is 72" X 22".  I normally do not make triangular shawls.  Yet, for some reason, I really loved the looks of this one.  It will be worn more around the neck then as a traditional shawl.

Do you see the way the short rows worked on this?  I finally have conquered the wrap and turn stitch.  The first photo of the shawl probably shows the w&t areas a bit better.  Will I make this shawl again?  Probably, but not with such a busy yarn.  Don't get me wrong, I love the color of the yarn and this will go with anything I wear.  The finished material has lovely drape and for being part wool, it is surprisingly super soft.  I would assume, that is from the silk that is in the fiber too.  The yarn is Diva from Leading Mens Fiber.  There was 600 yards in the skein and I still have enough to make hubby a lovely pair of short socks.  Well worth the price I paid for it.  Next time, I will use a more tonal or solid colored yarn so the lace and short rows really shine through.

I was really hoping to have this finished too.

It actually will probably be completed yet today.  I only have 32 rows left before I start the toe.  In all honesty, it would have been completed if I had not taken a day off from knitting.  My hands had a "please don't make me move' day this past week.  I want this one done so I can cast on the second sock and take that on our trip this week.

Speaking of the trip..............I am so excited.  It has been 11 months since we have gone more than 5 miles from our home.  Even though hubby and I are together daily, it still seems different when we go out of town.  We have that nice 5 hour car ride to just talk without interruption and then we will have 5 days to make some great memories of time with his mom and time with some friends and time with just the two of us.  So, I am finishing up the dribs and drabs of the laundry this morning.  Packing will commence as soon as that is all completed.  I have my list of things to not forget to take with us.  Then I will get the car washed and filled with gas.  Once all that is done, I will kick back and knit away on that lovely sock and GET IT DONE!

Now, let's take a look at what left me house today for my 31 day declutter challenge.

It is day 11 which means 11 items needed to find a new home.

NO, your eyes are not playing tricks on you.  You only see 9 items here.  I had 2 more items added to this but forgot to take a photo of the other 2 items which were books I had read.  They were returned to the person I had borrowed them from without posing for their photo shoot.  Sixty-six items have left my house for good.  How refreshing it is to walk into a room and know it is much lighter than it was a few days ago.

Until next time.............................Happy Crafting & Stay Well!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I think a car trip is the perfect thing to do. It is hard to go for so long without a change in scenery, a break from the tasks of home.
    I love love love that shawl. I need to learn more about short rows, so maybe I should give it a try!

  2. The shawl is gorgeous and the sock is looking brilliant. Have a safe trip and enjoy the time.

  3. How exciting to go on a trip with your best friend! You will both have a wonderful time just remember to stay safe! That shawl is gorgeous!!! I've never seen one like that and it is truly lovely. The sock is so pretty and you are doing great on your de-cluttering. I'm going to try and catch up today.

  4. The lace on your shawl is beautiful, Marsha. And you're going to get socks out the leftover yarn? Lucky hubs! My DH & I were just talking at lunch about where we might like to travel once COVID isn't such an issue, and once his knee if feeling more normal.

  5. we had a car trip over the weekend for my nephew's wedding and the fall foliage was breathtaking!! It restores my soul :) I love your shawl!!!

  6. As others have said, love the shawl. Agree, solid color might show off pattern better. The things we learn as we knit.

  7. Your shawl looks lovely, the lace detail is so pretty. Your joy of it leaps off the page. Perhaps that’s aided by the joy of going on a trip and having successfully banished some items from the house. I had decided to do it in January, today when I was putting summer clothes in a suitcase I discovered it was full of the clothes that didn’t fit me in Spring! Hmm amazing how I’d forgotten about trouser mountain. If by some miracle I lose weight between now and Jan 1st (hahahahahahaha) then the clothes will stay....but most likely they’ll be on day 20something. Have a lovely trip.

  8. It's amazing how much stuff one can accumulate.

  9. love your shawl - mounds of work gone into it, and it really paid off!

    Enjoy your trip, hope you have a great time!

  10. Your decluttering is going great! five hours in the car of knitting time! (unless you are driving). Glad you are getting a few more miles away from home. We went to one of our favourite ocean spots about 40 minutes from our house last week. Just for the afternoon, but it felt like we were on holiday even if just for a few hours.


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