YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 4, 2020



Yup, it is that time of the week to update you on the crafty part of my life.  So here goes.

The most worked on item was my Boneset shawl.

My hope was to have it completed by today.  I almost made it too.  The fact is, it would have been done but, yesterday morning I did a stitch count and found out I was off by 6 stitches.  I took a good look at it and found my error was 8 rows back.  Normally, this would not be an issue but since the 8 rows were all lace...................well, I spent over 2 hours tinking back the 8 rows.  Then I spent the next 3 hours putting those8 rows back in correctly.  If I had not had to do all that, this item would have been ready for a nice soak and blocking today.  That just means, it will be a FO for next week.

Hubby's socks got a little bit of love this week.  I put on another 15 rows.  Once the shawl is done, these will be my main focus. 

This cross stitch got a bit of love this week too.  A bit more greenery was added and a bit more pink too.  I still find it enjoyable but not something I like to do when watching TV.  It requires too much attention for that.

The cardigan and Fodhla did not receive any love this week.  Once Boneset is done, I will spread my time out more.

If you follow my blog, you are aware that I am doing a 31 day declutter challenge.  Each day I am featuring items that are leaving my home.  The number of items shown will match the number of the day on the calendar.  Becki, at Field Lilies, is the one that got me motivated to do this.  She did it last year and decided to throw it out there again this year.  So here you have.

I know the graphic says 30 days, but since October has 31, I decided to do all of them.  Here is the declutter for day 4:

Here we have a candle holder that must weight 5 pounds, a moose coaster holder, mustache duct tape and a little pet shop toy.  All are going to GoodWill.  We are lucky with the fact the GoodWill store is less than a mile from our house.  It makes it so nice and easy to go and donate as we need too.  We used to donate to Big Brothers, Big Sisters but, when the pandemic hit, they stopped collecting.  They did start collecting again in June but would only take clothing.  As you can see, I am not getting rid of any clothes..................so far.

Come back each day to see what treasures have been unearthed in my home.  Hubby has found a plethora of items in his office alone!

And lastly, Josie had a swim meet this week.  It was a home meet, so we were allowed to attend this one.  We are so proud of her.  She knocked off almost 20 seconds from each of her individual events!  (Back Stroke and IM)  (IM is where she does a combination of strokes).

This is her in the middle of her butterfly stroke.  She really dreads this one so, luckily it was the very first stroke she was required to do in the IM.

Not only did she swim in three events, she got to be a lap counter for one of her friends that was swimming a 500 yard race.

Notice the mask?  Everyone was required to wear masks when not swimming.  We take this virus quite seriously here.  Even us spectators were all masked.

They put those placards in the water and shake them so the swimmer knows what lap they are on.  Since it is a 25 yard pool, they do 20 laps.  That is a lot.  Josie's friend was the last one to finish.  Yet, all the teams from all the schools were rooting her on the whole time.  This is one of the reasons I love this sport.  Everyone remembers how it was for them when they were first starting out and they give so much encouragement to others just starting out.  Real team spirit.

I will say, the day of the swim meet was the hottest day of the week.  It was 107 when we got there and very little shade.  Two hours later, when we left, it had dropped to 100.   If there had been a little breeze, it wouldn't have been as bad.  Let me just say, wearing a mask for 2 hours in 100 plus degree heat is not for sissies.

I am happy to report, our church started offering Mass on Saturday evenings again, starting yesterday!  We were so happy to be back to our 'normal' mass time.  I was really looking forward to sleeping in this morning only to wake up at 2:30 and not be able to go back to sleep.  DRAT!

Nothing else too big happened this week.  We did go to our favorite pizza place last night, after Mass, with the family.  My cousin is back in town for the winter and he loves to go there.  It was nice to be together for a couple of hours.  We will be together again today as hubby is helping the teen with her geometry.  I am making bread to take with us for the dinner we will be having at their house.  

That pretty much sums up my week.  How was your week?

Until Next Time.............................Happy Crafting & Stay Well!!!!!!!!


  1. WOW. The shawl is beautiful. Very impressed that you were even able to tink 8 rows of lace!! But I'm sure wearing it will bring you please. Although at 107 it's hard to image even wearing a shawl. I could never live there even if it is "dry heat" unlike Florida's unbearable 90+ humid heat. I'll stick to summering in Ohio. The sock yarn is so fun!! I can't image my hubby wearing such bright colors but my youngest son would adore them!

  2. What a great shot of your granddaughter and love how she helped. Plus interesting to learn how it all worked.

  3. That shawl is awesome and it's good that you fixed it! Hopefully the finished product is just as awesome.

  4. I wanted to share, that you inspired me to "play along" with the Month Long declutter. My spouse thanks you! It brings him great joy when we get rid of things we no longer want/need.

    And I truly love those socks! This week has been a bit of the universe telling me to cast-on/design another pair of socks.

  5. oh my goodness - congrats on the swim meet time improvement and I didn't know that was how they did lap counting. Makes sense so the swimmer doesn't have to waste brain energy counting their laps. I am doing the declutter month of October too, but not posting pictures, just keeping track of each item in my journal. Maybe at the end of the month I will make a round-up post.

  6. Ooooh... I can't imagine tinking back eight rows of knitting. And lace, at that. But you've got a great attitude and I look forward to seeing it finished next week. No pressure. ;^)

    You have some great pictures there of the swim meet and your granddaughter as she's moving through the water. Perfect focus! Congrats to her for improving her speed! That is really fantastic.

    And good going on Day 4 of your decluttering challenge. I didn't think about Oct having 31 days until yesterday. I think I'll try to complete all 31 days, too. :)

  7. I'm happy to report that everywhere I've been people are wearing masks. It's nice to see compliance! I'm sorry you had to undo 8 rows but aren't you glad you found out? I like how the universe helps out in that sort of thing. The shawl is beautiful, I love the lace detail.

  8. I’m glad you managed to do the fix, tinking back so far isn’t for the weak...nor is sitting in that heat for so long and masked. My utmost respect to you.


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