YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

DAY 21


Welcome back.  Today, I found 21 items that needed to vacate my premises.

Here I have four pair of shoes and a blouse I dearly love.  Why am I donating the blouse if I love it?  Because, everytime I wear it, someone asks me if I am feeling ok.  I finally took a look in a mirror and saw that it made me look quite pale and sickly.  The color was not my friend.

Next up are some magazines hubby had stuck in a bookcase.

And some more magazines I found in another bookcase. Just so you get an idea of my husbands passion for books, we have 5 bookcases in our house.  All but one of them is filled with books.  The last one is getting close to full.  In his defense, he has read 90% of the books and uses about 50% of them for research and reference when he teaches at our church.  He is also good about letting people borrow them.  When that happens, some come back and some don't.  

So far, there has been 231 items removed from my house.  Isn't it amazing how quickly things add up.

Today, I am off again to dog/teen watch.  The teen has a short day at school so we will be going to Chick-fil-a for lunch.  After lunch she has a virtual meeting with her school 'house' and then it is homework time.  The dog and I are going to do a little housework for my DIL and then we will watch some chic flics.  My DIL has an after work meeting/dinner to 'interview' a potential new Doctor to join their practice, so she won't be home until well into the evening.  This means, I get to have dinner with the teen again tonight.  My DIL was sweet enough to make a lovely Italian casserole for us so I don't even need to cook.  I brought some home last night so hubby could enjoy it tonight for dinner.

Did anyone see the meteor shower last night?  Hubby and I went out to watch but I think we have too many street lights near us, so it was a bust for us.

Until next time......................................................................


  1. Your post today is reminding me of things I need to go through. Thank you! I know you're enjoying your week with your granddaughter - what terrific icing on the cake that your DIL prepared a dish for you! I would have watched the meteor shower last night (I was certainly awake at prime viewing), but it was raining here. :^/ We need the ran, thought so no complaints!

  2. Once in a while the husband craves Chick-fil-a. They're okay. It's all about the sauces; I've seen recipes for some of them on Pinterest.

  3. Hi Marsha :) Great job on the decluttering! Before we moved I got rid of hundreds of magazines...no joke. I don't know why I was keeping them all, a lot of them were catalogs too. I didn't see the meteor shower, it was overcast here!

  4. What meteor? Where? LOL! Is your DIL a doctor? that casserole sounds good. You are really getting rid of things and this is your second time doing this isn't it? I'm behind again but hopefully tomorrow I'll catch up. Chickfila sounds good. I better go fix dinner! LOL!

  5. It is a wonderful feeling to move things out of a house - instead of always moving them in.


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