YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, October 22, 2020

DAY 22


It had to happen at some point during this decluttering challenge.  I knew I would, at some point, need to go into my closet and be brutally honest about what I should keep and what should find a new home.

The above photo is of shirts I do not wear or can not wear.  They are all Lularoe shirts.  Basically, those are the only shirts I own anymore.  Although, I no longer purchase Lularoe clothing, I have a lot of their clothes hanging in my closet.

On the left are more shirts (some Lularoe and some ordinary) I no longer wear along with two pair of Alegria sandal and 4 Lularoe maxi skirts.  I am not sure I have culled my closet all the way yet.  The 'winter' clothes have not been looked over so, there may be other items flying out of here before the end of the month.

I know this is supposed to be all about decluttering but I just can not help myself.  I just HAD to tell you other stuff.

Another day of dog/teen watching.  It will be a bit different today though.  The teen has a swim meet this afternoon in the next town over.  We spectators are not being allowed into the swimming pool area because of Covid.  However, we are more than welcomed to sit outside of the fence to watch our kids participate.  Since the teen's parents will not be able to make it, I will go today, take my camping chair, wear a big floppy hat, bring an umbrella to keep the sun off, wear a mask, bring along lots of water and sit in the sunny 90 degree weather and cheer my girl on.  This is their last meet before their state qualifying meet on the 31st.  The coach allowed her to choose the events she wants to swim in today.  She will be doing the 50 yard freestyle and the 100 yard freestyle and possibly a 400 yard freestyle relay.  Fingers crossed she can cut some more time off her speed on the first two events.

Tomorrow will be my last day of Grandma duties for a couple of weeks.  I have enjoyed this past week but feel bad that my house chores have been neglected.  Hubby has been a trooper and picked up my slack.  Here is an example of why he is my hero.

While watching the news a couple of nights ago, we heard about flour and yeast starting to fly off the shelves again because of the second wave of Covid hitting.  I went to the store the next day and there was no yeast on the shelves and flour was starting to get a bit thin.  I checked my supply of flour at home and found I had plenty of self rising, all purpose and wheat flour.  What I was low on was bread flour.  Husband went to Sam's club to purchase if for me and discovered they no longer had any bags of it.  So he scooted over to Costco and TA-DA......................


They are now carrying bread flour in 25 pound bags.   (I always buy 25 pounds at a time as it is all I use for my breads and dough).  I am set again for several months.  I went online to King Arthur and ordered a pound of SAF yeast so I should be all good for a while.  (I may have ordered more than just the yeast at King Arthur LOL)

I want to leave you with the photos I took yesterday:

Just a girl and her dog!

Until next time...................................................


  1. Cute pics of your granddaughter. Good luck to her.

  2. You are such a wonderful Grandma! Good for you on the de-cluttering. LOve the picture of your granddaughter and her dog...so sweet. Glad you got your flour. I didn't buy any extra yesterday. Maybe I should have.

  3. Oh my goodness. Those photos together of your granddaughter and her dog and terrific! :)

  4. I find once I done a clean out in a certain area ... within a month or so I discover additional items that I Thought I needed but after a bit realized I didn't. It is like pealing an onion. One layer gone and the second layer is easier to remove.

  5. this winter we are going to go through our clothes and scale back. I want to be brutal!! Let's see if I am :)


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