Hello again. It is that time to update what I have been doing in the crafting area of my life. After that will be the happenings for the week and then my NaBloPoMO of thanks. Let's get this going so you can do something else today other than read my blog.
The sweater was worked on as expected.
I think I have the length of the body where I want it. The arm has been started. I am not so sure this will be completed by next Sunday. If not, I am OK with that, sort of. I have another sweater I can take on the trip with me.
This photo shows the actual color of the sweater. I do not know why the other one made it look blue. It is deep purple. Anyway, the reason this was not worked on more is two fold. 1. It has been in the high 80's this week and I am refusing to turn the A/C back on. Therefore my house hovers around 77-80 degrees by mid-day. This sweater is too darn hot to have on my lap at that time. Come on FALL! Get your bum to Arizona!
2. I will tell you about later in this post.
Since I could not work on the sweater full time, I picked up the lingering socks and added 12 rows to them. No reason to post a photo. I am still on sock #1 and it really doesn't look much different.
I did go to a Cricut class this week and made this:
I really enjoyed the class and am wanting to get going on making some great stuff. My head is full of ideas. Now I just need the time to do it!
My week in review:
Monday and Tuesday were normal days around our house. Laundry and general housekeeping were the main focus of or days.
Wednesday I finally got a haircut. I have found a lady to do my hair and she is so good. Since I have an undercut, it is hard to find someone who will do it the way I want it repeatedly. My hair is soooooo thick, the only way I can manage it is to undercut the sides and back. Then my hair lays down like most everyone elses. Wednesday night I went and took my Cricut class from a JoAnn's store. It was so much fun to do. I want to take another class on it but need to work with the machine a bit to get more familiar with the design space and the different elements of what the machine/operator can and can not do.
Thursday I woke up and had a LARGE floater in my eye. I had never had one before so was a bit concerned. With high blood pressure (it is controlled) and RA, I need to be careful with things like this. Lucky for me I had a Doctor's appointment that day so talked to her about it and she told me to go to my eye doctor. Again, lucky for me he is between my primary Dr and home. Third lucky thing, they were able to work me in. Yup, I have a floater and he even said it was pretty big and looked like a leaping frog. (I don't care for frogs!) The good new is, most of the time they dissolve or get very small where you do not notice them anymore. Fingers crossed this will happen soon. It blurs my vision once in a while and makes me a bit crazy. This is reason #2 why not much got done on my sweater. All of this happened before noon on Thursday. That evening we got a call that my husbands best friend has passed away. He had had triple bypass surgery on the 28th of October and just never rallied afterwards and finally lost his battle.
This is him on the far left. He was part of our Wednesday night Trivia team. He will be greatly missed. He is the one that got me going more into my photography and also a contributor to my puzzle collections. His memorial is scheduled for this coming Friday. This will be a tough one.
Friday was for running a few errand and getting housework completed so we could enjoy our weekend
Saturday we spent the morning relaxing and enjoying some slow time. In the afternoon we went to the 10th anniversary celebration of the St Peregrine Shrine located on our church grounds. It was also the 60th anniversary of the founding of our church. Then there was Mass with a lovely dinner afterwards. We were pretty spent my the time we got home that night. GOOD NEWS! I won a lovely painting at the dinner/raffle. The artist was also there and I got to meet her too. She informed me the painting was not the original but this was a 'copy' of it. Yet it is still painted by her so not sure how that works. Here is a look at it:
I have no idea where I will hang it. It is fairly large so will need some wall space. The painting is done in oil and acrylic.
Today I am going to my son's to trim his dog's nails. Then hubby and I are going to the house of our deceased friend. The 'kids' are needing a bit of support and help with some things. It's nice he only lived 2 blocks away from us.
I am thankful for my cell phone. Sounds a bit silly but think about it. How convenient it is to have that electronic leash with us when we need to to ask a question of someone who is not with us when we are on an errand. Or we need to look up the ingredients of a product to make sure it does not have something in it we might be allergic to. Or how often is it used to help us with a medical thing or a recipe or a crafting issue. How did we ever survive before these "smart" phones came into our lives. Have you even left home only to discover your phone is not with you? Did you have a moment of panic? Did you go back and get it or continue on with your day thinking it was no big deal? Did you find out how much you missed said phone during that time without it?
Do you remember your first cell phone?

Here is what mine looked like. It must have weighed about 4 pounds too. My purse had to be increased in size just to carry this. No way would it fit in a pocket. From there we went to the flip phone, then the one with a qwerty keyboard (that one was my favorite) and then on to smart phones. And to think this advance in technology has all taken place in the last 40 years. AMAZING! My grands think it is weird we did not have cell phones, computers or remote control TV when I was a young girl. Heck, I WAS the remote for the TV!
Until Next Time..............................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is that a little Rottweiller puppy in the middle there? Too cute! they are so chunky when they are puppies but you can tell by their paws they are going to be big dogs!
ReplyDeleteI have been known to have the ac on during the night and then turn the heat on in the morning! LOL!
I love your sweater and I think it is better to enjoy making it than rush to get it done. It will be lovely when ti is finished. Again, so sorry about your friend.
As for the cell phone...I don't have one but I did for years with work as I was on call 24/7 for the computer systems. It was a satellite phone and as big and as heavy as a brick!
Socks are great for working on in the heat. I hope it cools off for you. It will be 70 today and I will paint again...perfect weather! Rain tonight and tomorrow. Have a nice relaxing Sunday.
Sorry to hear of your friend's passing. At our age all these passings seem to hit harder, at least for me. Lucky you winning the painting. Yes I remember my first cell phone with the antenna that had to be pulled out! My mom bought it for me for the drive (5 hours) between her house and mine. The funny thing was most of that drive was through mountains so no cell service!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry about your friend, I hope the memorial goes as well as it could.
ReplyDeleteI will try to send you some cold!! Your sweater looks fab and the colour is wonderful. I too am thankful for my phone and don't really know how we lived without them, I guess it really was another time wasn't it?
I'm sorry about your friend and hugs to your husband -- it's hard to lose a best friend. I'm glad the floater issue was attended to quickly even if it's going to be annoying for a while. The sweater is a lovely purple and it will get done eventually. And oh yes on the cell phone! I remember my first was a "bag phone" that was kept in the car for emergencies. Crazy how far we've come!
ReplyDeleteI remember we had a cell phone with an antenna. I feel certain one of our early phones was this one: https://picclick.com/Vintage-Nokia-Cell-Phone-1992-Model-121-Type-311838206054.html and before that, DH borrowed a pager from work when he had to travel when I was pregnant with our first child. He also had a mobile work phone that was kept in a carrier. It was really something when we got our first private cell phone sometime in the 1990's. My condolences on the loss of your friend. I love the picture of you all.
ReplyDeleteThat is one, huge painting.